The Trine
Do not match their folly, mine is not a throne you can gain in such a paltry and mortal manner.The Trine are a group of triplet tieflings who built a cult of ego and personality together in the hope of building up enough of a religious following to unseat the Lady of Pain and become the new masters of the abyss and of law. None are sure of the reason they attempted this but their story has been used as an example of the foolishness of attempting to displace the Lady of Pain. Very few are aware of the manner of the Trine's destruction. However, Persicorum learned from Ardeth that they were taken by the lady of Pain's champion, Drahz Grymhook and turned into 3 hounds from the abyss that have become known as Reaper hounds. One of these creatures have since tied themselves to Fen in the hope of escaping their spiritual bondage.
- The Lady of Pain addresses and warns others of the folly of trying to build religious power in the hope of replacing her.
Religious, Cult