Donkey Decapitation Organization in Aluth | World Anvil
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Donkey Decapitation

Donkey Decaption is a symphonic metal band led by its frontman Anbessa Selassie (vocalist and bass player) supported by the duo of Aman Leer (drummer) and Dellina Leer (guitar and synths).   While the band is still new to the scene, their hardcore riffs mixed with avant-garde performances that culminate in a "Metal Blood Bath". Where the band will have countless streams of blood jet out onto the audience, causing a chaotic, dirty, and memorable mosh-pit.  


Man Dismembered (September 9th, 597):
  1. Leviathan
  Baby Decomposed (February 22, 599):
  1. Maelstrom
Founding Date
May 4th, 597 A.I.
Entertainment, Music band
Alternative Names
Double D

Articles under Donkey Decapitation


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