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Gods of Life

The Great Mother serves as an active figure in druid religion, and for this reason most speculate that fewer gods are necessary to oversee the portfolio of a primordial because the primordial herself is very much alive. Druids draw their power from the Great Mother (as do some warlocks, though their methods are obviously less safe), though she still maintains a small group of servants to assist her. These deities regrettably suffer fatigue as any other. The alignment of these beings almost always has at least one Neutral component.   Brigid - Goddess of the Dawn, Healing, and the Forge. Domains: Forge, Life, Light Brigid is a goddess with a broad portfolio, and has worshippers around the world. She is popular among elves, druids, and many craftsmen who live in the ‘borderlands’. Dwarves who find themselves in rural environs also favor her. She leans Neutral Good.   Mars - God of War and Agriculture. Domains: Nature, Order, Strength, War Bearing much in common with Ares, Mars has a more imperial mein, appropriately enough. Though he’s the principal war god for most Imperials, it’s the farmers of the Empire who constitute most of his worshippers, as they pray for rain and the continued fertility of their fields. Since many farmers are veterans who expect their sons to aspire to service in a legion or the auxiliaries, defense of the Empire is so embedded in day to day life that the god of ‘civilized’ nature also becomes a god of war. Mars leans Lawful Neutral.   Mielikki - Goddess of the Forests and the Hunt. Domains: Ambition, Nature, Trickery For many peoples, the forest is a critical part of their lives, providing sustenance and shelter while demanding respect. Mielikki is invoked by hunters seeking to feed their people, druids looking for a more specific focus of prayer, and regular folk who need lumber and promise to replant what they’ve taken. Mielikki approves of clever hunters, but also leads astray any who would take advantage of the woods. She leans Chaotic Neutral.   Ala - Goddess of the Earth, Morality, Fertility, and Creativity. Domains: Grave, Life, Solidarity Ala is the goddess of the Shadowfell for many, and also arbitrates laws and cultural customs. Those who violate her taboos and die a ‘bad death’ are not given customary burials but are left in the open so as not to offend. Ala contains the souls of the departed within her womb, and is vital to ancestors coming into being as well as life energy fueling reincarnation. She leans Lawful Neutral.   Freyja - Goddess of Magic, War, and Love. Domains: Arcana, Grave, Nature A powerful goddess revered by wood elves, Freyja is a facet of the Great Mother, and accordingly has a prominent place in druidic myth. She guides the souls of many to her hall where they await reincarnation. She leans Neutral Good.   Odin - The Allfather, God of Many Names. Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery The archetypal shaman, Odin defies convention and strikes his own path through the world, making him the god of kings and criminals both. Despite his associations with war and death, he serves more as a guide to souls, hence the lack of those domains. He is worshipped by bards and also many elves, who refer to him as Grand Alf. He leans Neutral.   Hecate - Goddess of Crossroads and the Moon. Domains: Arcana, Nature, Trickery A mysterious goddess who demands sometimes harrowing rites of her worshippers, Hecate is favored by the drow, who link her with the moon. She is also worshipped by both sorcerers and warlocks, who find her rigorous demands to be crucial guidance on their journeys. She leans Neutral Evil, though she is not malicious, merely unforgiving.   Inanna - Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Magic. Domains: Arcana, Life, Tempest, Zeal Inanna is a goddess of power, and is worshipped by those who admire beauty above all else as well as impetuous warrior maidens. She also travels the planes, and though her magic is subtle, it cannot be denied. Her magically inclined worshippers tend to be warriors as well, bards of the College of Swords, Eldritch Knights, War Wizards and Bladesingers especially. She leans Chaotic Neutral.   Corellon Larethian - Divine progenitor of the elves. Domains: Arcana, Solidarity, Trickery Corellon is a shifting, mutable figure credited with being the ancestor of the elves. Whether Corellon sired, bore, or both is a source of constant debate, as the Quicksilver God may be whatever it likes. It was Corellon’s distress that set the elves off on their pilgrimage at the dawn of time.

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