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Fae Spirit

Age, It is currently unknown how long Fey Spirits actually live. Most suggestions range from 1000-5000 years whereas others believe they are actually immortal.   Size, Fae Spirit's vary wildly in both shape and size and can range from 3-7ft tall. Your size is small or medium.   Speed, Your movement speed is 30ft.   Fae Ancestry, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep. Additionally, you count as fey rather than humanoid.   Face of the Fae, as a Fae spirit the form you take is entirely dependent on who you are, and more importantly how you wish to be perceived. You are only limited by your imagination; and the fact that you must be between 3 to 7ft tall and be of a humanoid shape. You must decide on your appearance at character creation and cannot change it after the fact.   Wild and Weird, from the high fae of the grand courts to the primal fae of the untamed wilds all fae display some form of unique trait and you are no different. You may pick one ability from the list below:
  • Wings, you gain a flying speed of 30ft. Whist in medium amour your flying speed and the distance you can travel is halved, and whilst in heavy armour you cannot use your flying speed at all.
  • Fast, Your movement speed increases by 10ft. Additionally, attacks of opportunity against you are made with disadvantage. 
  • Teleport, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 15ft. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. All spent charges are regained after a long rest.
Fae Magic, as a denizen of the fae magic is tied into your very form. You can learn any non-damaging cantrip. Additonaly, you can learn one 1st level spell you can cast this once per short or long rest. You can choose INT, WIS or CHA as your spell-casting ability for this spell.   Languages, you can speak, read, and write Common, Sylvan and one language of your choice.


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