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Age, the Feithidi live for about 180 years reaching maturity in their late 20s.   Size, Feithidi stand between 5-6ft tall. Your size is medium.   Speed, Your movement speed is 30ft.   Mind of the Many, all Feithidi are connected to a hivemind known as the Nill. Each long rest you may pick a proficiency with which you are not yet proficient and gain proficiency said ability until your next long rest.   Chitinous Shell, your body is coved with chitin plates affording you some semblance of amour. Your gain a +1 to your Ac.   Insectoid Wings, As an action you can sprout two large dragonfly wings allowing you to dash in a 30ft line. If any creatures enter your reach during the dash you can make a single attack against them. This dash does not provoke an attacks of opportunity.    Stinger, you have a natural weapon in the form of your stinger. 5ft reach, one target, 1d6 + STR piercing damage. The target must also make a con save (Dc = 8 + proficiency bonus + constitution modifier) on a failure the target takes 2d4 poison damage and are poisoned for 1 minute on a success they only take half damage. If the target fails by 5 or more they are also paralyzed for the duration.   Languages, You can speak, read, and write Common and Feithidi.


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