BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Age, Juurosh live for around 40-170 years, reaching adulthood around the age of 25.   Size, Juurosh stand around 6-7ft tall. Your size is medium.   Speed, your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Powerful build, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag or lift.   Secondary Arms, You have two slightly smaller secondary arms below your primary pair of arms. The secondary arms function like your primary arms, with the following exceptions: You can use a secondary arm to wield a weapon that has the light property, but you can’t use a secondary arm to wield other kinds of weapons. You can’t wield a shield with a secondary arm.   Metal Sense, you have a natural affinity with metal. Any checks made to find or identify metal are made with advantage.    Metallurgy, you can store up to 10 pounds of undigested metal within your body. This store remains until it is used or you finish a long rest. You can use your store in the following ways; for 
  •  Metallic Missile (2 pounds), as an action you can target a creature you can see within 30ft and make a Strength based attack roll dealing 1d6 blugeoning damage. This damage can be increases by spending more of your store, increasing by 1d6 for every 2 pounds spent.
  • Replenishing Metals (4 pounds), as a bonus action you can roll 1d4 and heal the amount rolled
  • Iron Fists (6 pounds), as a bonus action you can channel the raw metal directly into you muscles. For the next minute anytime you would add your Strength to something you can double the modifier . 
  • Steel Skin (8 pounds), as an action you can harden your skin. For the next minute you gain a +2 to your Ac and all damage is reduced by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier.
  • Molten Spew (10 pounds), as an action you can release a 15ft cone of liquid metal. All creatures within the cone must make a DEX save (Dc = 8 + Proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier) or be restrained for the next minute or until someone frees the using both an action and bonus action.
You can replenish your store by consuming metals during a short rest. Gaining 1 pound stored for every pound consumed.   Languages, you can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.


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