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Shade Folk

Age, Shade Folk are functionally immortal and do not age   Size, Shade Folk stand anywhere from 4-7ft tall. Your size is small or medium.   Speed, your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Magical Darkvision, you can see in dim light within 60ft of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey. you can also see through magical darkness.   Shadowed Nature, your body is comprised of shadow made tangible. As such you have the following traits;
  • you don't need to eat, drink, sleep or breath.
  • magic cannot put you to sleep
  • you are immune you the poisoned condition.
  • you have resistance to poison and psychic damage
  • you have advantage on stealth checks at night or whilst in dim light or darkness.
  Morphing Shadow, as a bonus action you can form a tendril of shadow to strike out at your foes. The tendril has a 10ft range and deals 1d8 +STR piercing damage. You are considerd proficient in this attack.   Umbral Respite, Your shadowy nature alows you to draw power from the darkness of the world. Whilst in dim light or darkness you can use an action to regain hit points equal to 1d12 + CON mod, this increases by 1d12 when you reach 5th level (2d12), 11th level (3d12), and 17th level (4d12). Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.   Mask of the Shadow, your very being is tethered to your mask. If you take damage that would drop you bellow 0hp but not kill you outright you can make a DEX save (Dc = 10 or half the damage taken) on a failure your mask sustains 1 point of damage. The effects of mask damage are shown on the table bellow;
1 The DC of your death saves increases by 1
2 You are no longer able to use your Umbral Respite trait
3 The DC of your death saves increases by 1
4 After makeing an attack you unwillingly lash out with a tendril at the closest creature within range
5 The DC of your death saves increases by 1
6 You have disadvantage on your death saves.
Repairing the mask of a Shadefolk is not an easy feat but neither is it an imposible one. The easyesty option would be for one who created shadefolk to repair the mask but this not necessarily an option for all shadefolk alternatively a shadefolk can attempt to repair the mask themselfs spending a long rest and 50gp of materials as well as some source of magic. Upon complation of the ritual the damage of the mask is reduces by 1.   Languages, you can speak, read, and write Common and one language of your choice.


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