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Simmic Hybrid

Age, Simmic Hybrids live for around 130-140 years.   Size, whilst you might not be able to tell by looking at them now all Simmic Hybrids began as another race (usually Human or Elf). Your size is small or medium.   Speed, your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Vestiges of the past, you may pick an other race. You one proficiency offered by that race. if your chosen race does not get any proficiencies you may pick one yourself.   Animal Enhancement, Your body has been altered to incorporate certain animal characteristics. You choose two animal adaptations now. At 5th level, you choose a greater animal adaptation. Finally, at 10th level, you reach the pinnacle of your changes and choose a single superior animal adaptation. The adaptations are shown in the tables below. Additionally, you may instead choose an adaptation that was previously available(taking a greater adaptation instead of a superior adaptation, for example).   Languages, you can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.  

Animal Adaptation

Adaptation Trait Adaptation Description
Natural armor Your base AC is 12 + Dexterity modifier. You may use this score in place of the AC granted by your armor. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit. At level 5, you gain +1 AC when not wearing heavy armor, and at lvl 10, as a reaction to being attacked, roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier, and you subtract that much damage from the damage dealt. You may use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, recharging all spent uses after a long rest.
Climber When climbing you suffer no movement penalties and gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed. You are considered proficient in the Athletics skill, and add double your proficiency bonus to checks made to climb.
Chromatophore You can alter the color of your skin and can blend into your environment. You gain advantage on Stealth checks made to hide as long as you are not moving. If you are wearing no armor and are not encumbered, you may attempt to hide even if you have no cover or concealment. You can't use this ability to hide from a creature that is directly observing you. In addition, at 10th level, you may use this ability to distract enemies who can see you. You flash patterns of color across your skin, rapidly changing. As an action, all hostile creatures that can see you within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma or be captivated by you. While captivated by you, all allies have advantage on their attacks until your next turn. You may use this ability once per long rest.
Digger You burrow through sand, dirt, mud, and rock at a speed of 10 feet. You may not take this ability if you have a swim speed. At 5th level you gain tremorsense 20 feet while digging. At 10th level, you gain tremorsense 20 feet at all times.
Chameleon You gain the ocular musculature of a chameleon. You are considered proficient in Perception checks that rely on sight. At 5th level, you gain advantage on these checks. At 10th level, you can no longer be surprised.
Natural Attacks You sprout claws and fangs, augmenting your Unarmed Strike. When you attack with your Claws your unarmed strike deals 1d6 slashing damage + your Strength or Dexterity modifier and each claw has the Finesse property, your Bite deals 1d8 piercing damage + your Strength modifier. At fifth level, you may attack with your Unarmed Strike as a bonus action on your turn. At Level 10, the damage dealt by your Bite increases to 2d6 and you may gain temporary hit points (minimum of 1) equal to your Constitution modifier when you hit with your Bite attack, you may use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, recharging all spent uses after a long rest.. Also at 10th level, whenever you attack with your Claws you may attack simultaneously with both of them, provided both your hands are free. roll separate attacks for each claw.
Enhanced immunity Your blood was bred to heal the sick. You excrete toxins that build up in your system and effectively fight off infections. You gain advantage on saving throws against poison and diseases. At level 5, you are immune to diseases and at level 10 you are immune to poisons as well.

Greater Animal Adaptation

Adaptation Trait Adaptation Description
Pounce You gain the hunting instincts of a predator. If you move at least 20 feet and then attack, you have advantage on the first attack. At level 10, you gain advantage on all attacks when you pounce and the target must make a Strength saving throw 14 or be knocked prone.
Wings You sprout wings. These give you a fly speed of 20 ft, but you cannot hover in place. At level 10, you gain a fly speed equal to your speed, and you gain the ability to hover.
Prehensile tail You grow the tail of a monkey. This tail acts as an extra hand for all intents and purposes except for wielding a weapon. In addition, at 10th level, you may use your tail to wield a light weapon with the finesse property.
Spines you grow barbed spines similar to a porcupine or Anemone. Whenever you are grappled, these deal 1d4 piercing damage to an attacker. Additionally, as an action, you may launch one of these spines as a ranged attack with a range of 20/40. At level 10, your range increases to 30/60, and your damage increases to 2d4. These spines can also be plucked to be used for utility uses. You may pull off or launch several spines equal to your Constitution modifier +2 per long rest.
Bioelectric generation You gain the bioelectric organs of an electric eel. These allow you to produce in effect similar to burning hands once per long rest, except the damage is lightning instead of fire. Also, when grappled, you deal 1d4 of electric damage. At level 10, your generation increases, and you may use this ability 2 times per long rest and it is treated as burning hands cast at a level equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down. In addition, your damage dice on grapples increases to 2d4.
Horns You grow horns out of your head. If you charge 20 ft, you make a gore attack as a bonus action dealing 1d8 piercing damage. The target must make a Strength saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier or be thrown 10 feet back and knocked prone. You can use this once per turn.

Superior Animal Adaptation

Adaptation Trait Adaptation Description
Stinging tail You sprout a large scorpion tail. This tail has a sharp poisonous barb on the end. As a bonus action, you may make an attack that deals 2d8 piercing damage on a hit, and the target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take an additional 4d6 poison damage and become poisoned for 2 rounds. You may use this feature once per long rest.
Spider Web You grow spinnerettes that produce an effect similar to the web spell. You may use this ability once per long rest. You are immune to the effects of this ability and similar abilities.
Blinding spittle You secrete alchemical spittle when threatened. As an action, make a ranged attack against a target within 40 feet. If you hit, the target takes 1d6 acid damage and must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 2 rounds. You may use this trait several times equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier per long rest.
Amorphic body Your body takes on a shape similar to an ooze. You have advantage on checks made to escape a grapple, and can squeeze through an area 1 inch wide. In addition, you may no longer be sneak attacked, and you contort your body any way you desire.
Bloodthirsty Savagery You have become a formidable hunter. Whenever you kill an enemy, you gain advantage on your next attack. Whenever you are reduced to half your health, your attacks deal an extra 2d6 damage as you enter into a blood rage.
Frills Your frills mature to a usable point. As an action, you may extend these frills to frighten an enemy. All foes within 40 ft must make a WIS save (Dc = 8 + Proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier) or become frightened of you. If they succeed, they are immune to your frightful presence for 24 hours. Once, at the end of every turn, an enemy affected may remake their save. You may use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, recharging all spent uses after a long rest.


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