Ar Iotan - Herbe d'Oubli
Material Characteristics
Ar Iotan is a fern-like herb found where the roots of two trees, one struck by lightning, cross in a saltire pattern, with the ferns spreading out from this central point. The herb can vary between a single specimen or a colony that has spread out from the roots. Ar iotan requires shade and withers in bright sunlight, preferring both heavily forested areas or subterranean caverns, where it grows upside down beneath the roots if there is adequate space.
In darkness, the plant gives off a bluish phosporescence, similar in brightness to the glow of a glowworm.
Physical & Chemical Properties
When its stem is snapped, ar Iotan releases a powerful toxin, causing a number of side effects, including auditory and visual hallucinations, confusion, and forgetfulness. Another notable effect is a fugue state, giving the plant its nickname of the "Wanderer's Root" or "Astray Seed". While under the influence of the toxin, affected creatures will stumble blindly through the forest, becoming dangerously lost.
Geology & Geography
The plant is spread wide across Northern Kornôgel and the Fortunate Isles, its original location unknown. It is known by a variety of different names, indicating both its wide geographic spread and the nature of its independent discoveries. These include:
Forest of the Erlking and the Kingdom of Arle: Irrwurz (Astray seed) or Viper Herb.
Duchy of La Manche and the Gallian Crownlands: "herbe qui égare" ("herb which leads astray") or "egaire"
County of Saintonge and Duchy of Akitainia:
Herbe maudite ("herb of the damned soul") or herbe des tournes ("herb of turns")
Duchy of Anjev: herbe à adirer ("herb to get lost").
Upper Letha: herbe d'oubli ("herb of oblivion").
Lower Brittany: ar Iotan
History & Usage
It is unknown if ar iotan is an invasive species native to the Faewylde or if it is a kontammet species, some type of Bedouar fern infused with pure Faerie magik.
The stem of the Ar Iotan contains a milk-like substance that is released upon the snapping of the stem, such as when the plant is stepped on. The chemical released causes intense hallucinations, photo-sensitivity and extreme disorientation. As a result, it is commonly associated with becoming lost, as those affected have a greater than average chance of stumbling through liminal areas of Faerie.
An extreme overdose of the herb, leading to death may cause an entity to become Herla, lost to reality itself.
Cool, damp and woody
Sweet and grassy
The Ar Iotan leaves are a yellowish-green along a dark green stem. When cut, it oozes an amber gold sap.