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Basic Information


Babewyn are constructs of living stone, animated by veins of ichor. They do not possess a uniform anatomy, instead being constrained only by the imagination and resources of their creators. As a result, most generally resemble creatures that are familiar to the general public, with bipedal and quadrupedal entities being the most common. Most Babewyn possess at least four limbs, but wings and tails are popular additions. Often times, these wings are non-functional, acting as additional armor rather than flight aids, but in particularly well-crafted entities, these wings can allow for simple gliding to be carried out by the creature.   The stone bodies of the Babewyn make them almost impossible to damage or kill, as only shattering the stone or draining the ichor will disable them.   The driving force behind the Babewyn is Ichor, a golden liquid with a metallic sheen, similar in viscosity and hydrodynamics to blood. Ichor flows through tiny channels cut within the stone, acting as veins for the creature, allowing each limb or other body part freedom of movement similar to its organic counterpart. The more complex this venous system, the greater the finesse and range of movement the babewyn possesses in that part of their body. For most babewyn, these Ichor veins are thick and simple, appearing as glowing golden lines of gold etched into the stone, but masterwork examples can have completely undetectable channels with fine, thin channels.  

Commonly found Babewyn

  While Babewyn do not have a uniform morphology, they typically fall into several general categories:  
  • Babewyn Grotesque - The most common of the Babewyn, these are typically small (Less than 1 meter in height) creatures carved with exaggerated features in stylized representations of other creatures from nature or folklore. Representations of the Fae, especially the Gargoul or Boléguéans are especially common in older creations during times of heightened Bediz-Fae tensions. Animals, such as baboons, wyverns, drakes, rats and cats are also common. They are most commonly bipedal, and often possess wings.
  • Babewyn Chimere - Almost as common as the grotesques, chimere are amalgamations of features of different creatures or animals, mixing elements to create new creatures. Chimere are typically larger than grotesques, ranging between 1 to 2 meters in height. They are most commonly quadrupedal.
  • Babewyn Gargouille - One of the rarest types of Babewyn, the gargouille are originally created as fountains and are typically found near sources of water. They possess limited control over water, similar to a similherez drawing on pure druidecht.
  • Babewyn Epique - Another rare variant, the Epique lack the exaggerated qualities of the Grotesques or Chimere and are instead closer to representational or idealized in their form and proportions. These masterwork creations often are made in the likeness of gods or heroes and are typically humanoid or equine. They possess a fluidity of motion and motor control above even most organic creatures, and are crafted with superior materials.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Babewyn are not capable of sexual reproduction, being animated stone rather than organic. Their base materials and Ichor can be repurposed for new Babewyn, sacrificing the original to make a new entity.   While Babewyn are not capable of creating new entities, they are adept at instinctively locating sources of Ichor and dormant Babewyn in forgotten caches, and are capable of activating these dormant entities without direction.

    Ecology and Habitats

    Babewyn typically require ample prey and optimal camoflauge to hunt, typically residing in populated areas. Here, they appear as mundane statuary, capable of remaining in a dormant state for long stretches of time, sometimes years without so much as a twitch. They are commonly found crouched atop churches and public buildings, lurking in ruins or even hiding in plain site in parks, gardens, and plazas.   Babewyn are largely unaffected by the elements and do not require shelter or dens like many creatures. They hunt and eat quickly, leaving their uneaten prey for lesser predators and scavengers, returning to their hidden positions after devouring their choice of meat and blood.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    In the centuries since their creation, Babewyn largely lost access to new sources of Ichor, and have become hemotophages, using blood to maintain the flow of ichor in their veins. Babewyn strike suddenly, using stone claws, teeth and weapons to rip their prey to shreds, devouring and liquefying blood-rich organs, the remains entering their circulatory system. Babewyn attacks are typically sudden, opportunistic and violent.   Babewyn often attack stragglers, with children, invalids and drunks being prime targets, with children being actively sought out. They favour solitary prey, but they will attack larger groups in needed. A result of shared living space in the heights and their small size, Babewyn frequently hunt Gargoul.

    Additional Information

    Social Structure

    Babewyn, especially grotesques, often gather in loose social structures called audacities. These groups will sometimes join together to hunt stronger prey or defend their territory. Beyond these two goals, unless directed by an outside force, audacities have little in the way of social interaction beyond residing in proximity to each other.


    Babewyn cannot be truly domesticated, but can, through the use of Huderezh, be bound as servants to a location, object or entity. Their single-mindedness, patience and functional immortality make them ideal as guardians of sacred or forbidden places or artefacts, while their camoflauge and killing edge makes them function well as bodyguards and assassins, often serving lines of royal persons.   While Babewyn can follow simple directions, they are incapable of nuance. They will carry out an order as given until it is complete, and calling them off requires an immense force of magical will. Babewyn will often seek to break their ere-hud, turning on their masters if the opportunity arises.

    Geographic Origin and Distribution

    Babewyn are found throughout Kornôgel, but they are more prevalent in the North.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Despite attestations to the contrary, Babewyn possess no sense of hearing, sight, or smell, instead relying on a powerful tremorsense. Babewyn can detect even minute vibrations on the ground or structures around them, even detecting movement as subtle as a heartbeat This extreme sensitivity only works on short ranges, with diminishing returns as the range extends.   Babewyn can also be directed to track specific individuals via sympathetic ere-hud, following the flow of the Hud over greater distances. Once in close range however, the creatures rely exclusively on their tremorsense.
    Geographic Distribution
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