Aldus_Ken's Reading Challenge '24

... more like Learning Challenge, am I right? ;

The 2024 Summer Experience

Summer Camp 2024

The Alvunne Saga & I went on our first ever Summer Camp together. It was a short one that only lasted the closing week of July, but it was a fun experience for the both of us. Allow me to explain.   First off, I was inspired by the prompts giving me new ways to think about this grand world. I had pledged to write 8 articles, and endured till I wrote 9 (this is one of my favourite numbers due to Final Fantasy 9). I gained self-confidence in my worldbuilding as I managed to get things done and could be proud of it. So, thank you World Anvil and all the sponsors!   In all, I think the Summer Camp articles turned out pretty well. But that's just my take on things.
Feel free to read them here ^^     

Future plans till Worldember

I'm planning to join the world of Alvunne as we discover it together ^^ Say, things like:
  • further develop the Alvunne languages
  • write articles on elements required to shape the main story
  • start and maybe even finish the history as chronicles
I'd also love to gather many worldbuilding & writing friends on Twitch, to build my own website, to start giving worldbuilding workshops and of course to join more challenges, including Worldember! #hype

also, First steps as a streamer

The 2024 Reading Challenge is also the time that I started properly livestreaming on Twitch. I'm live each Thursday and talk and discuss writing & worldbuilding. I also plan on continuing the reading challenge, as it inspires me and teaches me valuable insights!   Come join me on Twitch and "show me what you got"!

The Reading Challenge's 13

  Here's 13 articles posted in the order that I read them on stream.   If anything, this challenge reveals just how many different styles and worldbuilders there are. This also strengthens me as I try and find my way. Even if I was scared to be confronted with better writers than I could ever be, this challenge showed me that this fear was unfounded. One can only learn from discovering new worlds.   Something I've learned from browsing many more articles than I could read, was how to format articles and how to use different templates and design elements to my advantage. So, here goes!   I list these in order of reading on stream ^^    

Blati's Double Walls

by Callyxtus
The events described here are very clearly time-stamped, which helped to understand the evolution of these Double Walls. Oh and it started with a quote. I should definitely use more quotes as well!
Climb the walls here    

The Bronze Ravens

by Drunkenpanda951
Lovely use of quotes (again) and a very personal approach. It's all directed at you, the reader, as if you stumbled in on a guy in a pub. This could actually happen to me!
Discover the Bronze Ravens    

Barulgaana Stone Singing

by Koragath
A well written article with attention to Stone Singing's significance in its world and to its people. I discovered I can use the full width footer to make more of the screen. Nice!
Sing along here    

The Everwood

by Rashkaver
I loved the foreshadowing tone of the article and the quote worked in. The nature of this interesting forest also cunningly seeps as you read further. But I called it!
Wander the forests here    

Tilli's Todetse's Guide to Swearing in Nideon

by Barriesaxxy
Learning how to swear is an interesting way to discover the languages in a fantasy world. Especially when these vary based on regional differences. I'll have to add cursewords to my vocabularies...
Let's get to cursing    

The Return of the Lashaan

by Logan Mountain
I loved how different walks of life imagined different variations on the actual dark myth going around. #theLashaanarealreadyhere Oh, and I want to start off with a small snippet too!
Read how the Lashaan might return...    

Gem Ferret

by Tyrdal
Here too, the significance of the Gem Ferret's existence in the world is highlighted with facts, myths and quotes, that can actually go in the right hand banner! Oh and I loved the twist... Or have you ever seen one in real life?
Can you spot the Gem Ferret?    

Stoneroot Curry

by Relztem
The Poor Man's Curry... Doesn't matter! Take my money... or scrap metal :s I loved the way this dish is presented through its history and significance in the world.
Try the curry here    

Gramma Nut

by Stillnessandsilence
Even with the bad influence of a demon, Gramma Nut was able to find her way in life. She did a lot of self reflection, which I can only admire. I'd love to sell candies to the undead too xP
What's she cooking now?    

Goliath Blackfield Mussels

by Mochimanoban
This creature fits very well within its ecosystem, and the article is very well designed. That map below!!! Interesting to see a suggested article in the right hand banner. #lifelonglearning
You won't miss these    

Northumbrian Desert

by Kalilinai
Intriguing title... ANd once I knew, it became very interesting to see how a whole desert came to be by nature spirits' magic <3 Magic impacting the environment reminds me of my own Scraping Mountains.
A desert surrounded by forests huh...    

Lazuli's Echo

by Escritora Novata
Intriguing concept of emotions and memories being the basis of the 'Shards', elements that can form ghosts when combined. Writing about a personal weapon on the right hand side is a neat way of highlighting detailed info and fleshing out!
Get to know Lazuli's echo    

Pirates of the Snake's Den

by Kwyn Marie
The alternating text boxes and images added a nice flow to the article. Interesting buildup, and I loved the concept of toursim and ghosts. It's eery but funny!
Meet the pirates here    
Which articles did you read or should I read? ^^
A big thanks to all you worldbuilding writers & writing worldbuilders to share your work with the community
Let's just say I learned a lot from this challenge, and I don't plan on stopping now! So I'll read a few articles each Thursday. Do feel free to message me your articles on Twitch or in my (still empty) Discord server. I plan on reading a few arricles each stream = each Thursday ^^


Author's Notes

As the author of this article, allow me to add my Summer Camp 2024 articles here ^^

Summer Camp Articles 2024
Generic article | Aug 6, 2024

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Aug 31, 2024 13:10 by Mochi

Thank you so much for featuring my article! I went and checked out your stream where you read it, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it <33 Species are my absolute favourite thing to write!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Sep 1, 2024 21:12 by Aldus Ken

Thanks for checking out my stream! And it shows! I'll check out some more soon then! do feel free to send me some of your favourites ^^

Read more about the Alvunne Saga. And find me at Summer Camp 2024 ^^
 Oh and I stream every Thursday on Twitch!