Blue Poppy

Blue Poppies are climbers. They can grow on the soil but most definitely also on tall trees. They can be found in tropical rainforests, and sometimes near a large enough swamp.  


Their flowers are bright blue or purple (this has only been seen on flowers growing outside rainforests), and have small leaves. These plants climb, so they have long, flexible stems which are rich in magical properties.    


The Blue Poppies were discovered a few hundred years after Grey Poppies. They were nearly harvested to extinction as they became a widely popular commodity. Their flowers were subject to experiments as Grey Poppies had never been this powerful. The stems and small leaves were used to imbue weapons with magical powers and to power equipment like street lamps. The plants were saved by a new order of magicians who fought for their conservation.    

On Alvunne

On Alvunne Continent, they are very rare as there are no tropical areas to be found. Sometimes one is sighted near the Fractal Falls or a large swamp in the East. They are mostly quickly harvested by the locals.


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