
Ferinta is a city-state on Alvunne Continent, located within the Tsintal city-state area. It controls no villages or area outside its walls. Beyond a strip deemed no man's land, just outside the walls, Tsintal soldiers patrol the area.   Ferinta is a monarchy but its king has been missing for over 20 years. In his absense, a conclave of trustees are keeping his seat warm. Their main concern is protecting the city-state's independence and maintaining good relations with all city-state capitals.   The city-state is a bustling port town in which merchants from all over the continent visit to do business. One can also find many artisans in its streets.   In Ferinta, people from different city-states are considered equal and its inhabitants are less concerned with citizenships than other city-states. (Except for the king's trustees and their families, they are somewhat above the law.)  
Inhabitant Demonym


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