Summer Camp PREP 2024

First year in World Anvil, first Summer Camp! So this will be an important one already. Sadly (not really though) I'll be on holiday in France through most of July. It's going to be inspiring, sure. But I won't be travelling alone, so can't be writing all the time. I will however make a pledge...  

The Pledge

I vow to write a minimum of 8 articles to improve my world of Astra Netheris during Summer Camp 2024!


Let's start prepping!

Week I

In Astra Netheris, a lot is changing as we speak. Earth is developing its first starships capable of deep space travel. A series of earthquakes devastates the shorelines around the North Atlantic Ocean. And a continent hidden on the bottom of it, rises up and hurls itself into space. The amount of power needed to achieve such a feat, piques Earth's interest. So a mission is launched to chase the floating continent and research it... Or was is a mission to colonize? Or to mug them?     Categories & Tags
By now, I've got my categories down, but I'm still lacking in the tags department. I will be thinking about them and tweaking the tags system as I write articles for Summer Camp. Consider this a sidequest pledge ^^
  I will use the SC24 tag to this article for starters.     The World META
This was the main prep challenge of the week. And it felt I could only publish this article if I actually had a meta written down. So, I've been tinkering! It's not perfect, and it will need regular updates and new links. But we can start working on the next assignments with a new sense of security!          

Week II

The Alvunne Saga is about a landmass traveling back to its original planet and solar system after thousands of years. Will its peoples find a new home there? A refuge from the widespread droughts and the chasing Earthling Fleet? Little do they know that these Earthlings too, are looking for refuge from their metallic high-tech cages. What are they to do? They could call their fleet their home. But many yearn to return home. Some even might want to live on Alvunne instead of their starship. Some would consider finding refuge with the Alvunne gods.   All they can really do is find refuge with each other and fight and search to find somewhere to call home. It's not always easy to know where you belong & to know where you're supposed to be. Can one find safety and comfort in oneself?     Buddies
First of all, I have some close friends and a partner keeping a watchful eye. They will make sure that I keep molding prompts into articles. Also, I have different channels people can follow to read a weekly update and talk progress.   On the World Anvil Discord, you can also make chapters. Anyone who'd like to join a Space Opera Enthusiasts Chapter? Or does it already exist? Please message me ^^     Styling & CSS wizard?
Styling hasn't been my top priority, but I have found a template that fits my world AND my needs. I take refuge here.
Also, I am NOT a CSS wizard. Most shall pass...  

Week III

In Astra Netheris, one can find a whole pantheon of gods. Each city-state worships their own main gods even though cults worshipping the other main gods or minor gods exist. More importantly though, the story is mostly about belief in the future, oneself and the others. A fleet of Earthlings travelling through space and discovering a new magical continent, will bring people together that otherwise wouldn't even know they existed. Does this create tension? Or opportunity?   Inspirations; IRL, images & maps, META
Getting into the right mindspace will not be too much of a problem, as I’ll be travelling in France in July. I’ll go on long walks and be around my partner and family. I think this will prove to be a nice source of inspiring times.   If we talk most influential inspiration, then I'll say Final Fantasy 9. It's just such a grand story, awesome concept, lovely characters, awe-inspiring music and a perfect balance between excitement, humor and tension. I'm also inspired by things I learn. Historically for example; did you know a pope was once dug back up a while after his death to stand trial for his sins? You just don’t invent that stuff!  
We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw
  Apart from being inspired by (again) Final Fantasy 9 and stories like Battlestar Galactica and The Expanse, I love me an inspiring Carravaggio or a (recent) Miley Cyrus song.   But above all, I love maps! Thank you for mentioning maps! Oops, let’s cut back a bit. I can link you to the Saga map, the map of Alvunne and even the map of one of the city-states.   I have completed (nearly) the world Meta as you can read in the week 1 assignments. And that includes a bunch of inspirations <3 Even so, I believe I am inspired by so much in life. I’m writing this as I wait for my haircut xP  

Week IV

The continent of Alvunne is its own fragile ecosystem. All water in the rivers and streams end up crashing down the Fractal Falls. This water evaporates and forms clouds that move back inland and provide rainfall. It generates a temperate climate in the Southern part of Alvunne. But as magic production in the form of plantations is slowly draining some of this water over thousands of years, the continent is slowly drying up South of the Scraping Mountains. This is one of the main motivators for its peoples to leave Earth and travel back through space to its original planet.   This loss of water levels provided the Omniarch (the highest power on Alvunne) with an excuse to monopolize magic production. Recently though, other worldly leaders are starting to rebel against this absolute power. If successful, more voices might be heard, but how will this affect the Continent’s mission to return home?   Another form of moral decay can be found in the Earthling starship Fleet. Its mission is to research Alvunne and possibly obtain the secrets to its magical powers. But will this withstand the loneliness & emptiness of space? Many want to return to Earth, while others might also be interested in living on the continent they’re chasing.   Environment
My surroundings will be mountains, old towns and rivers and lakes… could be worse! Oh right, except for the lack of stable internet xP I’ll be working offline a lot but that should be fine. I’ll bring my headphones as a ‘do not disturb’ sign, so let the creative juices flow! Also, I’ll get me lots of tea xP   Homepage, intro & author page
You might think that I just wrote my homepage and author page, since I started worlding properly only recently. Well, true but doesn’t mean it can’t be subject to change. I've edited my main page repeatedly in the last few months and this will happen more often in the future. My mind is ever-evolving!


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Jun 10, 2024 07:40 by Elspeth

Good luck with your first Summer Camp! I hope you enjoy it as well as your trip to France (bon voyage!). :)

So many worlds to choose from...
Jun 10, 2024 19:55 by Aldus Ken

Merci beaucoup! ^^

Read more about the Alvunne Saga. And find me at Summer Camp 2024 ^^
 Oh and I stream every Thursday on Twitch!