The Argonaut

The Argonaut is a starship in the fleet tasked to catch up with Alvunne AKA The Continent. It's a large space station equipped for travel and research. It runs on limited supplies so is dependent on The Flagship for the survival of its crew.  


The Argonaut consists of 2 parts. One central bulky ship serves as the base of operations and communications. It propels the starship through space. The other part is a set of smaller spaceshuttles orbiting the central ship. They are connected through a series beams and a small elevator. Crew can travel between the outer ships through corridors.  


The outward forces working on the orbiting shuttles creates a weak form of gravity. It's in these outer shuttles that most crew live and rest.  


At the time Alvunne rose from the bottom of the ocean, the Argonaut was returning from a mission to investigate an asteroid. This was an elaborate check to see if a Mining Colony could be set up there. The ship's mission was changed to join the fleet and investigate Alvunne and its magical powers. If Earth could harness this power, many of its problems would be solved.  


In its crew are among the brightest minds on Earth. Many of them also teach students on The Flagship.

Power Generation


Weapons & Armament


Armor and defense


Hangars & docked vessels

4 rovers & 5 drones to gather samples & intel + 3 escape pods
The Microscope
Creation Date
Owning Organization
Related Technologies
Speed of light
Complement / Crew


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