The Flagship

The Flagship is the main starship sent by Earth to catch up with Alvunne (AKA 'The Continent'). It is the biggest and most sophisticated of the fleet of three. It was built for exploration and to celebrate cooperation between nations on Earth and the Mining Colonies.    


The starship consists of 2 parts. One central ship serves as the base of operations and communications. It propels the starship through space. The other part is a large loop that turns around this central ship. They are connected through a series of long beams and an elevator.  


The outer loop turns around the central ship, generating basic gravity. It houses dorms for the crew, a university, an entertainment complex, (military) research labs, and large stockpiles. It's a complete base fit to travel space for up to 3 years.    


Originally, the Flagship was to travel to the Mining Colonies on a diplomatic mission. The Colonies had earned their independence 10 years ago. Showing them the Flagship would be like a present to celebrate this event. It's the Mining Colonies who built the ship after all.   When Alvunne rose from the bottom of the ocean and propelled itself into space, The Flagship was sent to catch up with it. It's mission is to investigate & monitor its behaviour. Oficially, this is another diplomatic mission. But there's many different people and organizations on board, with just as many opinions on what to do.  

Power Generation


Hangars & docked vessels

Escape pods.
Creation Date
Owning Organization
The only one
Speed of light
Complement / Crew


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