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A Queen’s Love Letter

My Dear Frya,
  I hope you're doing well. It's been some time since I've last seen you and I ache for you. Your beautiful ember hair is something I miss waking up being smothered in. I understand why you left. You were never happy here and you needed to go to Rath to learn more about your amazing magic. I mean, Divinity Magic. How could you not? I know the God of Courage wouldn't have chosen you if not for a reason. Ah anyway, I'm rambling. I really miss you. I'm sorry I didn't fight harder for you. For our love. I'm so sorry. I know that's also why you left. You have the courage I do not.
  I'm writing you to apologize and because I had a vision. My brother and his partner are making big moves. Big moves that are scaring people. Something is coming Frya. I've seen my death at her hands. I know it's coming. Damon will try to blame himself. Please, promise me you'll be there for him after I go. He'll need you. He will be in Pyrulea at the Temple of Souls. I don't know why he's going there but I've seen it. I've seen her back in this world and I have no idea if Damon is going to win. His partner is like you, she's been gifted by a God as well. I can only pray that she will be enough. Or may the Gods help us all.
  I promise I'm not trying to get you to come back. I'm not scared to meet the Raven Queen. I'll be with her, waiting for you. I'm sorry I couldn't marry you, my beautiful Frya. I'm sorry I let the judgement of others scare me into not loving you the way you deserved. Find someone else out there that will love you and scream to the world that they love you. I'm sorry that wasn't me. In the next life I will find you and I will love you. I promise.

Cover image: A Queen’s Love by Midjourney


Author's Notes

Article is written by sgt.elyas. Reference to the Raven Queen come from Wizard's of the Coast D&D 5e. The original character and concept come from them.

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