Drere Wildcaller Character in Alyuren | World Anvil
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Drere Wildcaller

My Story?

I don't know what to tell you, I died, and then I didn't.

It was a normal day. I woke up, took a quick shower, dried my fur, then put on my gear and headed out the door. The city is always busy, even at dawn. The sun rise is slow here in Rath. We see the light cresting around the horizon creating a beautiful pink and orange sky. The city being in the sky like this above most clouds means we get a clear view of the sun and moons when they rise and fall. My favorite sight every day is watching the sister moons meet in the night sky.
I walked through the brick and wood city on the hard brick road towards the guardhouse where I start my day. I wave at the bakers and farmers setting up their stales. The "ladies of the night" are smiling down at me like they always do as they exit from customers homes and return to their own. I used to work the night patrol for seven years before I became captain. I got on a friendly, first name basis with most of these women walking by me. I still check on them when I see them and take note of any marks they shouldn't have and whose house they leave.
It's a thirty minute walk from my house on the far side of the city to the guardhouse. By the time I arrive my second in command, a small black and white cat person with bright green eyes, named Moxie was waiting for me at the front door with a worried look on her face. I could smell the fear and anxiety from her that joined her look.
"Captian! We have urgent orders from the council. I just recieved them for you." Moxie is always happy. It annoys me sometimes how she is always in high spirits. Even on hard days she is my sunshine when I've been fighting storms. I frowned and took the letter from her. It was signed by all fifteen council members. That always means something big.
Captain Drere,
We have gained troubling news that the artifact keeping the city afloat is in danger of breaking. We have collaberated with Regatha to use their airships to evacuate the city. Use your guards to gather all citizens of the city immediately and calmly and effectively transport them to the docks to board the Regatha airships. We do not know how long we have and this must be done. --Rath High Council

My eyes shot up and I stared at Moxie. I froze for a moment. This is a massive undertaking. The city is miles wide full of thousands of people. I need everyone and this still may turn to mass panic.
"Moxie, gather all the guards inside now please." I ordered and she nodded then disappeared to do what I asked. I never have to fight with her, she always just trusts me. Now I have to hope the rest of the city does too.

Hours went by that felt like days. We went to every house, every shop, resturant, inn, school...
There's just so many people. Some people do not trust me, at all, it seems and have chosen to stay. Many people have taken my guards advise and have boarded the airships. So far we have launched five giant airships full of people. I don't even think the city is half empty. We combed the city tirelessly all day and all night.
Nothing happened overnight. Many of us had to stop at some point and get a few hours of sleep. We may be cats but we still need sleep to function. The next day things were going well, we were making progress at clearing people out for several hours. I started showing people the letter from the council and that seemed to get them moving with some urgency. Then the ground started to shake.
Buildings began cracking and breaking. Debris fell to the streets causing damage and panic and death. Suddenly its a blood bath before my eyes. Everything happened so fast. The city began falling from the sky in pieces. Huge gaps opened up swollowing houses, large buildings, and people. People were running scared everywhere. We tried our best to lead everyone to safety. This is our job and I promise we are trying.
Then, the main council building in the center of the city exploded. Chunks of building came raining down in balls of fire on those of us below. I watched my friends get crushed. I watched Moxie fall to her death below. I watched a massive red dragon crawl out of what was left of the council building like it had been inside the entire time. I had no idea what was going on other than we were all going to die.

I really don't know what happened to the city after that. When I woke up, I was in the wreckage on the main ground. Fire and disaster were all I could see for miles. Then I saw something. It was weird. It looked like a puddle at first, then it got up and started walking around. It moved like jelly with a blue tint to it that turned almost black in the light of the fires. When I got closer to it, it screamed and coward in a voice I knew. That's one of my guards! But why is he scared of me? He knows me!
That's when I realized that I'm weird too.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orange blonde fur with stripe pattern
4 feet

Cover image: by Midjourney


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