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Orb of Protection

The Legend

During the early ages of man they were weak, unskilled, and uneducated. Monsters of all kinds ran the earth and used humans however they saw fit. Mostly for food. The Goddess of the Sun and the God of Creation wept, seeing their creations suffer. It is said that their tears fell to the earth and became gifts to offer a saving light in their darkest times. The orbs were scattered around the world and many have been found but the actual number of how many were made by the gods is unknown.
Over time, magic became more advanced and artificers began crafting duplicate orbs to sell as every day items for adventurers. These man made Orbs of Protection are not created from Divinity Magic so they are not nearly as effective or valuble as the genuine items.


Genuine Orb of Protection

These orbs give off a bright golden light at all times. This is a 4”x4” glowing sphere that anyone can use while holding to tap into Divinity Magic to create a golden glowing AOE of 20 feet for all allies in the circle and grants a magical barrier that no enemy can cross. This is a concentration spell that will fatigue the user over the span of an hour. Every 20 minutes the user must roll a CON saving throw of 13 to continue to use it. After an hour the user must stop and take a long rest or take -5 in CON every round. For use during combat the user must roll the CON save every round.

Artificer Orb of Protection

This is a 4”x4” yellow sphere that anyone can use while holding to tap into Holy Magic upon the request being granted to create a yellow glowing AOE of 10 feet for all allies in the circle and grants a magical barrier that no enemy can cross. This is a concentration spell that will fatigue the user over the span of an hour. Every 10 minutes the user must roll a CON saving throw of 13 to continue to use it. After an hour the user must stop and take a long rest or take -5 in CON every round. For use during combat the user must roll the CON save every round.

Cover image: Orb of Protection by Midjourney


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