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Regatha (Reg-a-the)

Regatha, Stronghold of the Dwarves

"We fight the fire to fight the cold.
May the fire never go out!"
Workers of the Mines
  Regatha is one of the world's oldest cities. Made and inhabited entirely by Dwarves. The city is the farthest north city still inhabited causing it be berated constantly by the norths tundra winds and heavy snowfall. The large stone walls of the city strech out in both directions for miles with two large towers on both ends and a large wooden gate in the center. A large stone fortress towers behind the outer walls. Large iron lanterns are always lit throughout the city to help combat the thick layers of ice and snow that fall year round.

Regatha Architcture

Regatha Homes by Midjourney

The buildings are made from stone. Each home is made of a spacious open A-frame structure supported by three chimneys at the front, middle, and back of the home. Homes are made with steep stone roofs to help the snow slide and wood walls to keep the warmth in and the cold out.
Upon entering the city's main gates, travelers are welcomed by a massive closed stable made of stone, capable of housing up to one hundred and fifty elk at one time. A similar large A-framed house is attatched to the left of the stables that houses the stable hands and their families. The responsibilities of the stable hands are to ensure the elk are tending to, shoveling the pasture behind the stable, and keeping detailed record of all elk entering and exitting the stable.
Behind the stables are the Regatha Fields. There are four large fields that yield carrots and potatoes twice a year. Towards the back of the fields stands another large A-framed home with three silos attatched for the farmers and their families and to store the produce harvested. The responsibilities of the farmers are to tend to the fields, properly store and distribute the produce.
  Across from the stables visitors can browse the market full of common goods trade stores, tailors, and craftsman shops. Tired travelers also have the option of resting at the Ironhand Inn and Tavern that is three stories high and offers different rooms, food and drink. Those wishing for a night of entertainment can visit the Iron Maiden Brothel and find a companion for the night, for the right price.
  To the left inside the frozen city stands a massive stone cathedral with tall stained glass windows and statues paying tribute to the God of Creation. Living inside the cathedral is the city's holy woman, Norsothra Ironhand who holds sermons and healing lessons to the women of the city.
  Next to the cathedral is the city council hall with a snow covered courtyard and statues of every leader the city has had. The council hall is also where the current mayor resides and conducts official city business.
  On the otherside of the city, lies the millitary district. Entering the millitary district, guards are facing the massive training yard with large buildings and walls made of stone surrounding them. To the left are three two-story buildings known as the guard barracks. The barracks are made entirely of stone and iron with small glass windows. Fierce gargoyles depicting strong dwarf men in battle made of iron rest on the roofs of all the buildings.
To the right of the training yard stands three seperate buildings for the armory, the mercenary guild hall, and the hunters guild hall. At the far end is the A-framed, simple building with a solid iron roof and stone walls known as the armory. Here, guards are greeted by a dwarf clerk who assists them in obtaining the finest dwarven craftmanship weapons birthed from the Evenscar Forge.
The middle building is a large stone three-story guild hall for the city's mercenaries. These brave men take on various contracts that include escorting exporting goods outside the city, protecting the hunters on hunts, and aiding the city guards in the event of an attack on the city. They often work along side city guards in every day tasks and even take up jobs in the mines. In the basement of the guild hall are the solid stone holding cells that both the guards and mercenaries use for imprisoned offenders.
The first building is a two-story, A-framed, stone structure designated to the hunters guild. The patrons of this guild band together in groups of five to venture outside of the city walls in search for game. They explore the nearby mountain ranges where they find their fill of mountain elk, frost rabbits, Polarbear Dogs, Giant Snow Wolves, and oxen. Often times the mountain elk and Polarbear Dogs are captured and brought back to the city for use as transportation or hualing. Polarbear Dogs are especially useful for use in the mines.

The Evenscar Forge

Evenscar Forge by Midjourney

"The fire from this forge shall be our savior. The fire will keep us warm, shape our metal, bring our future! May the fire never go out!"
Kamrog Steelcoat Evenscar, Founder of Regatha
  In the heart of the city is the Evenscar Forge carved into a rock formation forty stories high. Beneath the forge deep in the rock is the worlds richest iron and copper vein that is the Evenscar mines. These mines yield thousands of tons of raw iron and copper ore, which the people of Regatha heavily rely on. This marked the beginning of the processes of blending technology and magic together, and with that came the birth of Evenscar Steel. Iron ore is super heated and infused with magic to produce a nearly indestructible and extremely valuble metal that is used to build anything from knifes to full suits of armor to housing materials. Regatha uses their Evenscar Steel to trade with other cities around the world. Mercenaries always accompany the steel when leaving the city to personally deliver the product.

Our Founding Father

Kamrog Character Portrait by Midjourney
  Regatha was founded as a result of an amazing discovery by a Dwarf named Kamrog Steelcoat Evenscar. The Evenscar family was one of the first Dwarven families to walk the earth. They had a deep connection to the God of Creation and sought his guildance when building their village. Originally the family built their territory farther north on the island and named it The Seat of Evenscar. When the ore in the Everscar Mines was discovered, Kamrog moved his village to the mountain housing the mines to better collect and protect the ore, establishing the city Regatha.
  As more Dwarves of Regatha were born and the population grew, so did their desire to build and create, quickly advancing their society. They began expanding their knowledge in tools and crafting and quickly became known for their amazing talents. Regathians invented tools, working with wood, working with metal, mining for raw metals, and the use of fire. They fortified their walls with stone and used Evenscar Steel to create defensive weapons. The techniques used in building Regatha is highly inspirational as demonstrated by architecture in cities all across the world.
Founding Date
Large city

Cover image: Regatha City Portrait by Midjourney


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