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Regatha Stew

Regatha is a cold stone and iron city inhabited by Dwarves. They are limited on produce causing most of their meals to be hearty, thick, and based on potatoes and carrots. A popular dish served in Regatha homes and taverns is Regatha Stew. Follow the recipe below to make this delious stew to warm you up on cold days.
This meal has been a staple with the Dwarves for generations. Many resturants around the world offer a version of this meal because it is cheap to make and purchase and provides energy and full bellies to all who enjoy it. Regatha Stew is often known as Dwarf Stew or Soup in other places. Dwarves find it comforting to be able to find a meal that reminds them of home even in the far reaches of the world.

Regatha Stew Recipe


  • 3 Pounds cubbed Bison meat (can be supstituted with rabbit)
  • At least 1 large potato per person (2 per Dwarf)
  • 8 Carrots
  • 2 Onions
  • 2 Cups Bison Bone Broth
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Oregano
  • Peprika


First wash and cut produce into thick chunks. Then cub meat and season until its enough. Then set aside.
Next, add everything into a large culdron over a tame fire and season your stew until your ancenstors tell you to stop.
Keep your stew on the fire for a few hours, stirring often, until the meat is cooked and the produce is soft. Remember to serve your Dwarves first to avoid a hangry axe being thrown in the house. Enjoy!

Cover image: Regatha Stew by Midjourney


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Aug 4, 2023 15:03 by Nathalia Books

For me personally a recipe in this type article brings the world more to life. Makes it relatable, and I can see making this at home. My compliments, now I am hungry.   Now for the feedback, I have none.

Every story starts with a dream, so start dreaming
Aug 16, 2023 00:09

Thank you very much! I hadn’t even thought of writing an archipelago on the food in my world so this prompt opened a new realm of writing for me!