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Shy’s Warning

  My Dearest Bosh,
I know I have scared you. I disappeared and long before my guards realized it. I know I wasn’t in the garden at our meeting time. For that I do apologize.
You always said my curiosity would get me in trouble. I’m not, in trouble that is.
Not knowing where my father is or if he’s okay… I just couldn’t sit back and do nothing. I needed to know what was happening in Norwich. I needed to see why we have so many refugees coming in. I did see. It’s not good, Bosh. Protect the city and the King at all costs. Norwich soldiers are decimating every village in the north. I’m tracking a covey that has laid siege to Ojutai Monastery. My companions and I have killed the Norwich Soldiers and will continue north. Things are bad out here.
I watch Thorin and Ulfa try to rekindle their long lost love for each other and think of you. I can’t imagine the turmoil you must have felt when you couldn’t find me. My love, I will return to you, Thorin has vowed it. I will prevail and find my father. I will return to you, I promise.

Cover image: Shy’s Warning by Midjourney


Author's Notes

Hi! This is a letter one of my players wrote for her character named Siofra (Shy). Her character is the woman hinted at being involved with the character Bosh Savindarra. This is a letter being use in my current D&D campaign taking place in this world. I hope everyone enjoys it and wants to know more of what's going on in the campaign!

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Sep 28, 2023 01:11

Just like how I heard Bosh's journal entries in Master Chief's voice, now I hear this letter in Cortana's voice. Is that Weird?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16