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Created and written by Sgt.elyas123. Photo is made from Midjourney AI.
Silverweed is a popular and useful flower found in the Silverwood Forest. It is known for its sweet scent and glowing center which attracts many races. People have found the plant to have many uses. Elves tend to use it as medicine and add its syrup to teas and potions. Other races have found if eaten whole, the flower causes hallucinations and leaves its user with a euphoric state for several hours. This has lead many people to become addicted to it and many cities have implemented laws and bans against it. Getting caught with this flower in your possession in one of theise cities could result in imprisionment, banishment, fines, and even death.

Basic Information


Silverweed is a large silver and bronze metalic looking flower with a glowing center. The stem has the bronze coloring with two leaves.

Growth Rate & Stages

Silverweed grows very quickly, the flower only needs three weeks to reach maturity. First it sprots as a strong, thick stem reaching for the sun. After a week the stem will reach its full height of seven inches. During the second week a small bronze bud forms and begins to open. The third week is spent by the flower growing in size to be about four inches across with multiple layers of petels and opening fully, exposing its beautiful glowing center. They will stay in bloom for roughly five weeks, giving a large window for picking.

Ecology and Habitats

This flower is a ground covering plant usually taking up a large portion of the forest floor if allowed to grow. They like to grow under the shade cover of large trees and are out in the open. Their sweet scent atracts bees, butterflies, mice, and many birds who all work to polinate the forest with them.

Biological Cycle

Silverweed prefers the warm weather of spring and summer and tend to bloom the most during the middle months of the year.
Scientific Name
Silverwood Forest
Conservation Status
This alluring flower is considered an elicit drug to many major cities because of it hallucinic effects on its users.
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 2, 2023 03:02

Of course it's illegal LOL! Great article, and I think I need a little silverweed in my life. I am curious to know if it is an annual or a perennial. :)

Aug 15, 2023 18:23 by Deleyna Marr

Such a beautiful plant!
