We’ve Had Enough Document in Alyuren | World Anvil
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We’ve Had Enough

The History Behind the Law

Necromancy desecrated the region of Tioshun for years. It took over like a plague in every corner to the point where that became the primary magic used throughout the land. Quickly cities became overran with demonic creatures spawning from the Hellish depths. Loved ones brought back in rushed desperation turned into twisted grotesque monsters destroying towns and cities. Leaders from The Temple of Cord, Illyara, Regatha, Iversteed, Littletown, Muraganda, White Bridge, and Rath gathered together and created the first continental law in history to ban Necromancy entirely.

Law: Ban on Necromancy

Section 1: Purpose
1.1 The practice of necromancy, defined as the use of magic or rituals to raise, manipulate, or communicate with the dead, is hereby prohibited within the realm of Tioshun.
Section 2: Definitions
2.1 Necromancy: Any act or ritual involving the manipulation of deceased beings or their spirits, including but not limited to raising the dead, summoning spirits, or otherwise exploiting the remains or spirits of deceased individuals.
2.2 Undead: Any reanimated corpse, spirit, or entity brought back from death through necromantic means.
Section 3: Prohibitions
3.1 Practice Prohibition: It shall be unlawful for any individual within the jurisdiction of Tioshun to practice necromancy or to engage in any activities related to the manipulation of deceased beings or their spirits.
3.2 Possession of Necromantic Artifacts: The possession of artifacts, tomes, or objects known to facilitate necromantic practices shall be deemed a violation of this law.
3.3 Teaching and Propagation: Teaching or propagating necromantic techniques or rituals, either directly or indirectly, shall be considered a criminal offense and therefore is prohibited under this law.
Section 4: Penalties
4.1 First Offense: Any individual caught and/or convicted of engaging in necromancy, affiliated with an individual engaging in necromancy, or facilitating in necromancy shall be put to death immediately without the need or a court trial or proceedings.
Section 5: Enforcement and Implementation
5.1 Authority: The Temple of Cord shall be responsible for enforcing this law and shall have the authority to investigate suspected cases of necromantic activities. The Temple of Cord also has absolute authority on collecting and destroying necromancy artifacts, texts, scrolls, tomes, and entities created for the purpose of necromancy, teaching necromancy, and containing Necromancy Magic or Chaos Magic. As such the Temple of Cord also has complete authority in passing judgment and implementing the punishment for an individual or individuals convicted of the crime of necromancy under this law.
5.2 Reporting: Citizens of Tioshun are encouraged to report any suspected instances of necromancy to the local authorities or the Paladins of The Temple of Cord.
Section 6: Exemptions
6.1 Research and Study: The study of necromancy for academic or historical purposes is strictly prohibited, no exceptions to this ruling under this law.
Section 7: Severability
7.1 If any provision of this law is found to be unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 8: Effective Date
8.1 This law shall take effect immediately upon passage by The Temple of Cord and will be enforced in every city, town, village, stronghold, etc. on the continent Tioshun.
Decree, Royal

Cover image: Necromancy Ban by MagicStudio


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