
Pron-akh-Torzekkan smote
The stone with his chisel
Du'arph he formed
Giving life to the stone as he breathed.
- from The Birth of the Du'arphen
Dwarves are long-lived humanoids of short but stocky stature. They have evolved to live in shallow caverns, carving tools from stone. In the fullness of time, they learned to work gems and metals, eventually becoming fine craftsmen. Generally, the males grow long, elaborately groomed beards. In some communities, the females do as well, while in other communities, the females shave their faces clean.  

Communities of History

Dwarvish culture centers around the Archive. Each settlement will have an Archive that records this history of the settlement. Dorkhustakkates will also have Archives that chronicle the history of the entire nation. This history includes geo-political events, theological history, and scientific thought. More importantly, it includes every innovation of every dwarf in every craft ever practiced within the community. It is through the history of their crafts that the community derives its identity.

Basic Information


Dwarves are short, stocky humanoids. They are hardy and resistant to poisons. They are also known to be unusually tough, and a dwarf can often withstand injury better than other humanoids can. Several variants of dwarves exist. Among them are Duergar, Mountain Dwarves and Hill Dwarves. There are likely other variants, as well. Variants generally depend on the predominant physical environment into which the variant evolved.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves reproduces sexually. Gestation is around 14 months. Children are generally helpless at birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy - Birth until around 4 years of age
Young Childhood - Around 4 years of age until around 10 years of age
Childhood - Around 10 years of age until around 30 years of age
Adolescence - Around 30 to 40 years of age
Young Adulthood - Around 40 to 100 years of age
Adulthood - Around 100 years of age to 225 years of age
Middle Age - Around 225 to 400 years of age
Old Age - From around 400 years of age until death (around 450 years of age, on average)

Dietary Needs and Habits


Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarven social structure is centered around the clan. Even where larger states exist, the political structure of those states involves some kind of representation from the clan level.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Variants of dwarves can be found throughout Avernalis and Corvalis, usually in mountainous or hilly regions. Rumors suggest that they may be found in remote regions of Ezhang Liao, as well, though no confirmation of that exists.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves posses darkvision, allowing them to see in dim light as if it was normal light and darkness as if it was dim light.
Over 400 years
Average Height
4' 6"
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Dwarf

Cover image: Last Stand by Inakrinat