
A soldier with effective training and application of specialized styles using a variety of weapons is the mark of the Master-At-Arms. These soldiers may hail from noble families who can afford experts to train up their children, or they may have their origins in the fighting pits, where the ability to use whatever weapons are placed in their hands is a matter of life and death. The Master-At-Arms focuses on dual-wielding their weapons and combining both hands into a skillful fusion of deadly assault.    

Capable Hands

Your training in handling weapons in both hands makes you capable of dual-wielding weapons others cannot. Beginning when you take this archetype at 3rd level, you treat all simple one-handed weapons as if they had the light quality in addition to their other properties.  

Two-Weapon Tactics

Your pursuit of mastering a variety of arms has provided you with advanced tactics when using a weapon in both hands. Utilizing the weapons you wield in compliment of each other, you can create unique opportunities and strategies when engaged in combat. Beginning when you take this archetype at 3rd level, the damage types of the weapons you wield change your stance and style to provide certain benefits:   Bonecrusher: You have learned to put the combined blunt force of bludgeoning weapons to brutish use. When two-weapon fighting with two bludgeoning weapons, a target who is hit by both of your weapons in one of your turns is concussed by the shocking force of the blows. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your strength or dexterity modifier, your choice) or suffer from disadvantage on the first ability check or attack roll it makes until the end of its next turn.   Slice and Dice: With two sharp edges in your hands, you are capable of inflicting bleeding wounds that incur lingering damage on your opponents. When two-weapon fighting with two slashing weapons, a target that is hit by both of your weapons in one of your turns takes an additional 1d6 damage at the start of its next turn.   Twin Fang: You have learned how to utilize the punishing power of piercing weapons to reduce the effectiveness of your opponents. When two-weapon fighting with two piercing weapons, a target that is hit by both of your weapons in one of your turns suffers from a 10-foot reduction in speed and must roll a 1d4 and subtract the result from any ability checks and attack rolls it makes. Both penalties last until the end of the target’s next turn.   Hammer and Nail: Combining brutal power with the cruel accuracy of a sharp point, you have learned how to use blunted blows to open windows of attack on your opponent's most vital areas. When two-weapon fighting with a bludgeoning weapon and a piercing weapon, the bludgeoning weapon receives a +1 on weapon attack rolls, and the piercing weapon has an improved critical attack range of 19-20.   Bash and Slash: The fusion of a blunt face with a sharp edge allows for vicious slicing attacks against weakened, bruised opponents. When two-weapon fighting with a bludgeoning and a slashing weapon, the bludgeoning weapon receives a +1 on weapon attack rolls, and the slashing weapon receives a +2 on damage rolls.   Slicing Skewer: The prime example of deadly precision, fusing the power to puncture and cut allows for the opportunity to inflict a variety of wounds with savage accuracy. When two-weapon fighting with a slashing weapon and a piercing weapon, both weapons receive either a +1 to weapon attack rolls or a +1 to damage rolls. This is decided per weapon before each attack roll and can change between multiple attacks with the same weapon.  

Parrying Strike

You have learned how to use your weapons for more than just offensive power. Starting at 7th level, when struck with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to parry the blow with a swing of one of your weapons and reduce the incoming damage. Roll the damage die of the parrying weapon and add half of your fighter level (rounded down reduce the damage by that amount.  

Sturdy Grip

Time spent in combat wielding two weapons has given you strong hands and a solid grip. Starting at 7 level, you have advantage on any saving throws to resist being disarmed and any Strength (Athletics) checks involved with climbing.  


Your constant use of both hands in combat has allowed you to increase the efficacy of your offhand to rival your main hand. Starting at 10th level, you gain the following benefits while two-weapon fighting, both of which utilize any relevant Two-Weapon Tactics:  
  • When using a bonus action to engage in two-weapon fighting and attack with a second weapon, you can make two attacks with that weapon instead
  • When making an opportunity attack, you can attack with both of your weapons. If the first attack reduces the target's HP to 0, you can make the second attack at another valid target in range

    Improved Parrying Strike

    You have mastered the ability to deflect incoming blows with your weapons. Starting at 15th level, you can use your Parry ability against a melee attack targeting any ally within 5 feet of you. Additionally, if your parry reduces the damage of the attack to 0, the attacker is disarmed, and all attacks made against the attacker have advantage until the start of your next turn.  

    Two-Weapon Mastery

    At 18th level, your unparalleled expertise in using a weapon in each hand has allowed your Two-Weapon Tactics to drastically improve:  
  • All attack and damage bonuses granted by Two-Weapon Tactics are doubled
  • The concussive effect of Bonecrusher effects all ability checks and attack rolls made until the end of the target’s next turn
  • The effects of Twin Fang are increased to a 20-foot penalty to speed and a 2d4 reduction in ability checks and attack rolls
  • The improved critical range to your piercing weapon granted by Hammer and Nail increases to 18 to 20

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