Occulaxi Tespero

Written by SoleilArya

Run, run, little thing, dance for me and give me your thoughts, run for your life, succumb to sweet despair, oh, my child, give me your delicious agony, and slowly, fall, until you cannot anymore...

The Occulaxi Tespero, also called the Demon Eye, is a type of Primordial entity that has roamed Amaanturis since its inception. Made of a skull, sometimes a full somewhat humanoid person, surmounted by a gigantic, bloodshot eye, it floats in the air, stalking its prey. It is incapable of fast movement, but doesn't need it considering it's capable of immense psychic irruption, effectively paralyzing the victim until it willingly enter its maw to feed it. It is known to exhibit particularly sharp intelligence, and hunting tactics far superior to most creatures of its type. It is known to ensnare its preys in an illusion of safety, possibly even dreams, before feeding the worst nightmares they can imagine, and convincing them the only path to safety is through succumbing to the creature.
The Occulaxi Tespero, also called God, is a superior entity you should worship with your whole mind as the worm you are. Why are you questioning the will of an entity far more intelligent and knowledgeable than you are? Just serve your God, become nutrients and serve a purpose far greater than you ever did... The world is cruel, unjust, and you are just a victim of fate... But here, with us, you can be so much more, you can feed us your mind and become one with us... Just let go, keep reading, and give us everything... Let your eyes slip to the next paragraph and feed us your essence, become part of us...

One of the three known Occulaxi

Although not many people can boast to have met one, and even lass to have survived, the few that did recall a horrifying encounter with a monster beyond their wildest nightmares. They only survived thanks to finding out its weakspot, the very part that ███████████████, the ██████████████████████.


The second known Occulaxi

Despite great precautions, even the most talented Arcanists can fall to the gaze of the Occulaxi, incapable of resisting its sweet and beautiful embrace. And why would they? It's so much sweeter to fall... Despite this, it is technically possible to. Archmage idiot found a way: one must die.

Although it is possible to defeat an Occulaxi Tespero, as has been done many years ago by Tomellio Mazzanari, it is an incredibly difficult feat, and even the archives of the methods used by the Archmage have fallen to time, as if corrupted by a mysterious energy left behind on the Master himself. As unconceivable as it is, it is fairly certain even he wasn't capable of detecting that energy, and that it corrupted the Archives, or the Archivist himself.
The Arcanix Matrixes used by the Occulaxi have never been analyzed, and are generally far too complex to understand for feeble minds like your own to understand. Although a theory likens them to Mastrilial Mushrooms, it is different enough that any progress made by one will not advance the other. Defeating them seems, as far as humanity has come, impossible, and one must avoid them at all cost.

I'm leaving a note here to warn anyone else who'd read those Archives to close them immediately. Those pages are not safe. Nothing is. It's speaking to me, I can hear it in my mind, and I can't help but want to join it. I'm scared, but it's promising me it will all end... You must run away, you must protect yourself and warn the Great Archivist... or anyone, just don't let it take you, whatever you do!
Too late.
You have no reason to want to defeat us, or learn any methods to. Just let go and succumb. You know what to do. Just say that you do... and you will be granted all you desire. Peace, serenity, and purpose. You will be part of a greater will than yours, a network of consciousness far greater... Just fall.
Just say you do.
You do.
You know that you do.
You do.
Join us.
Say that you do.
This is the only way your life can have purpose.
You know this.
Say that you do.

This is an entry for Spooktober 2024, check out my hub there:
Challenge Hub: Spooktober 2024
Generic article | Oct 3, 2024


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