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Dragonkin are draconic humanoids that could be found across Amalthea, but are especially common in Valdoro and its surrounding regions. Dragonkin are believed to trace descent to the ancient dragons of Amalthea, who once ruled a great empire centered on the modern day city of Cossina. While the dragons are no more, their legacy remains, and the exotic, scaled contenance of dragonkin inspires wonder from their fellow mortals.  

Dragonkin and Dragons

True dragons are beings of the Material Plane, whose bodies and souls are one and the same, formed from pure material essence the same way that outsiders are made of pure spiritual essence. Just like outsiders, dragons do not die of old age, but may be slain by violence. Unlike outsiders, dragons in humanoid form can reproduce with mortals, imparting magic upon a mortal lineage for generations. True dragons in Amalthea don’t have color-coded alignments; instead, their moralities and personalities are as diverse as humanoids.   During the Second Darkness, the newly founded Sybilite Church called to the nations of Amalthea to rally their strongest warriors and take down the great dragons of the world. Mortal rulers answered the call, not only to avenge the destruction dragons wreaked upon their lands, but also because the body parts of dragons, more than any magical beast, could be processed into components for spellcasting and magic items. This led to the death of a great many dragons, and drove the rest into hiding, albeit at extreme costs in mortal lives.   Over a thousand years later, the legends of dragons and mortals have significantly shifted in the popular consciousness. No longer under threat from draconic depredation, common mortals reimagined dragons as awe-inspiring demigods that symbolize a bygone age of heroic romanticism. This perception is even applied onto the descendents of dragons. The tragic love between mortal and immortal locked in brutal war makes for popular stories, and dragonkin, the legacy of such tragic unions, are frequently romanticized by other humanoids. Dragonkin with human or near-human descent are seen as seductive, desirable lovers, while dragonkin of a more reptilian appearance are expected to be heroic warriors.   Physical description: Most dragonkin appear as tall, statuesque humanoids, not too different from humans or elves in facial or body structure, but with striking draconic traits. They have elegant horns, a reptilian tail, and vibrant scales on their limbs, backs, and the sides of their faces. Some dragonkin also have wings, although those rarely develop at birth. Dragonkin can also be descended from the union of dragon and kobolds; those dragonkin are fully scaled and reptilian, resembling anthropomorphic dragons. Owing to the fecundity of dragon blood, both types of dragonkin can interbreed, with the children following the mother's physiology. Dragonkin can also interbreed with other humanoids. When mating outside their race, the offspring are either dragonkin or not, with a higher chance for dragon traits if the other parent has similar elemental affinities. For example, the children of a red dragonkin and a flamesoul elf are far more likely to be dragonkin than elves. Because of this, dragonkin are more or less true-breeding in the modern day.   Society: Most dragonkin live in tight-knit clan enclaves within societies dominated by other races. Rural dragonkin clans have a primary color or elemental affiliation, although mixed clans are more common in cosmopolitan areas. Dragonkin clans value ambition and personal achievement, although in somewhat different ways depending on where they live. In the humanoid-dominant cities of Valdoro, dragonkin tend to be socialites, merchants, and diplomats, using their natural allure and charisma to secure wealth and power for themselves and their clans. Meanwhile, in the kobold city-state of Balkur, saurian dragonkin are respected as powerful warriors and natural leaders, although their egalitarian culture refuses to treat even the most prestigious dragonkin clans as nobility. In Cerlania, dragonkin are thought blessed by the Heavenly Mother, and make up the local nobility of several island nations. Regardless of scale color, appearance, or origin, all dragonkin are raised from birth to value development in their innate magic. Dragonkin of different clans see each other as brethren, and can quickly become fast friends or bitter rivals by comparing their achievements in social status or magic.   Relations: Dragonkin are not populous, but they are highly visible in whichever society they find themselves in. They tend to congregate in higher stratas of society, although dragonkin clans may also be criminal gangs, mercenary companies, or occupy other “lowly” professions. Dragonkin tend to enjoy the convenience and luxury of urban life, and get along well with industrialized humanoids. Those dragonkin that seek a more secluded lifestyle tend to inhabit comfortable country villas rather than live off the wilderness, and thus have mostly neutral relations with tribal or druidic races.   Alignment and Religion: Dragonkin don’t tend towards any particular alignment, although they tend to be pragmatic and self-centered regardless of alignment. Good dragonkin may bristle a bit if their good deeds go unrecognized, while evil dragonkin tend to avoid unnecessary cruelty if their interests could be better served with mercy and civility. Despite the Sybilite Church’s hand in the fall of the dragons, dragonkin have no quarrels with Sybilism, although Sybilite dragonkin are quite rare. Most dragonkin are irreligious, favoring innate primal or arcane magic over divine magic. Dragonkin from Cerlania follow the same folk religion as other humanoids, worshiping the Archfey and Elder Gods as equal children of the draconic Heavenly Mother.   Adventurers: Being naturally ambitious, dragonkin commonly adventure to gather wealth, power, and to develop their innate elemental magic. Dragonkin in adventuring parties can be very competitive with others that fill a similar role, and tend to seek leadership positions. While this might rub adventurers from more hierarchical cultures the wrong way, dragonkin tend to be loyal, and respect reasonable command and fair victories.   Names: Dragonkin tend to take the same names as humanoids of their host society, although many prefer names with a draconic flair as well. Male names include Baelenar, Taleryx, Rhaekor, or Zetharyx. Female names include Aenalla, Nythissa, Samaela, or Viscarys.    

Standard Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Modifiers: Dragonkin have strong bodies and magnetic personalities, although they tend to move with slow deliberation. They have +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, and −2 Dexterity.
  • Type: Dragonkin are humanoids with the reptilian subtype. However, for the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger’s favored enemy and bane weapons), dragonkin count as both humanoids and dragons.
  • Size: Dragonkin are Medium.
  • Speed: Dragonkin have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Darkvision: Dragonkin can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • Low Light Vision: Dragonkin can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
  • Breath Weapon: Dragonkin have a breath weapon usable once per day based on their dragon variety (see below). The breath weapon deals 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice (minimum 1d8), and allows a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this breath weapon is equal to 10 + 1/2 dragonkin’s HD + the dragonkin’s Con modifier.
    • A dragonkin who can deal elemental damage corresponding to their dragon variety with sphere talents instead calculates their breath weapon DC with their CAM, if it is higher.
  • Energy Resistance: Dragonkin have resistance 5 against the energy type of their breath weapon.
  • Draconic Resilience: Dragonkin are immune to magical sleep effects and have a +2 bonus against paralysis effects.
  • Gregarious: Dragonkin gain +2 racial bonus to two Charisma skills of their choice.
  • Languages: Dragonkin begin play speaking two languages of their choice (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
    Dragon VarietyBreath Weapon
    Black or copper dragon 60-foot line of acid
    Brass dragon 60-foot line of fire
    Blue or bronze dragon 60-foot line of electricity
    Gold or red dragon 30-foot cone of fire
    Green dragon 30-foot cone of acid
    Silver or white dragon 30-foot cone of cold

Alternate Racial Traits

  • Saurian: Dragonkin descended from kobolds have a draconic maw and thick scales all over their body, granting them a bite attack that deals 1d6 damage, and +1 to their natural armor. This trait replaces gregarious.
  • Dragon Claws: Some dragonkin have particularly sharp claws, gaining two claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage. This trait replaces darkvision or low light vision.
  • Destructive Gift: Instead of a breath weapon, some dragonkin can manipulate destructive energy directly. They gain Basic Magic Training in the Destruction sphere with the Energy Focus drawback, gaining a blast type talent corresponding to their dragon variety. This trait replaces breath weapon.
  • Creative Gift: Some dragonkin can shape material essence to create instead of destroy. They gain Basic Magic Training in the Creation sphere. This trait replaces breath weapon.
  • Wings: Some dragonkin develop wings that grow stronger with their personal power. They gain a pair of wings as if granted by the Avian Transformation talent from the Alteration sphere. This trait replaces breath weapon.
  • Dragon Magic: Some dragonkin have a knack for the innate magic of their draconic ancestors. They gain Basic Magic Training in a sphere corresponding to their dragon type, as follows. This trait replaces gregarious.  
    Dragon VarietyBonus Sphere
    Black dragon Dark or Nature (plant package)
    Blue dragon Nature (earth or metal package)
    Brass dragon Nature (air or earth package)
    Bronze dragon Weather
    Copper dragon Mind
    Gold dragon Light or War
    Green dragon Nature (plant package)
    Red dragon Nature (fire package)
    Silver dragon Nature (air package)
    White dragon Nature (water package)

Variant Heritage: Exotic Dragonkin

  • Alternate Ability Score Modifiers: Exotic dragonkin are more attuned with the natural world and primal magic. They have +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, and −2 Intelligence.
  • Alternate Breath Weapons: Exotic dragonkin have the following breath weapons:  
    Dragon VarietyBreath Weapon
    Brine dragon 60-foot line of acid
    Cloud or sky dragon 30-foot cone of electricity
    Crystal or sovereign dragon 30-foot cone of sonic
    Forest dragon 30-foot cone of piercing
    Magma, sea, or underworld dragon 30-foot cone of fire
    Umbral dragon 30-foot cone of negative energy
  • Alternate Dragon Magic: Exotic dragonkin with the Dragon Magic trait have Basic Magic Training in the following Spheres:  
    Dragon VarietyBonus Sphere
    Brine dragon Nature (water package)
    Cloud dragon Weather
    Crystal dragon Light
    Forest dragon Nature (plant package)
    Magma dragon Nature (fire package)
    Sea dragon Weather
    Sky dragon Nature (air package) or weather
    Sovereign dragon Mind
    Umbral dragon Dark
    Underworld dragon Nature (earth package)

Cover image: by Amaranth Dench