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Exotic Weapon Groups

The following weapons had no weapon groups assigned to them. Weapon groups that seem appropriate have been added.  

Simple Light:

  • Brass Knife: Light Blades, Thrown
  • Hook Hand: Light Blades, Close
  • Kunai: Light Blades, Thrown
  • Spider-Leg Sickle: Light Blades
  • Spring Blade: Light Blades, Thrown

Simple One Handed:

  • Baston Fighting Stick: Hammers

Simple Two Handed:

  • Boarding Pike: Spears

Simple Ranged:

  • Stingchuck: Thrown
  • Stonebow: Crossbows

Martial Light:

  • Blade Boot: Light Blades, Close
  • Lungchuan Tamo: Light Blades, Thrown
  • Sea Knife: Light Blades
  • Shang Gou: Blades, Monk
  • Spiked Light Shield: Close
  • Ratfolk Tailblade: Light Blades

Martial One Handed:

  • Combat Scabbard: See text
  • Combat Scabbard, Sharpened: As Combat Scabbard
  • Terbutje, Steel: Heavy Blades

Martial Two Handed:

  • Rhomphaia: Polearms
  • Sarissa: Spears
  • Syringe Spear: Spears
  • Tepoztopilli: Spears, Tribal

Martial Ranged:

  • Gasphretes: Crossbows
  • Hurlbat: Axes, Thrown
  • Jolting Dart: Thrown
  • Phaleros: Spears, Thrown
  • Reflex Bow: Bows
  • Spear Sling: Spears
  • Throwing Arrow Cord: Thrown

Exotic Light Weapons:

  • Barbazu beard: Flails, Close
  • Dwarven maulaxe: Axes, Hammers, Thrown
  • Elven leafblade: Light Blades
  • Dwarven boulder helmet: Close
  • Kasatha spinal sword: Light Blades

Exotic One Handed Weapons:

  • Elven thornblade: Light Blades
  • Knobkerrie: Hammers, Tribal, Thrown
  • Gnome flick-mace: Hammers, Flails
  • Flindbar: Flails, Monk
  • Dwarven double waraxe: Axes
  • Doru: Spears

Exotic Two Handed Weapons:

  • Barbed spear: Spears
  • Flailpole: Flails, Polearms
  • Flask pike: Spears
  • Totem spear: Spears
  • Longhammer, Dwarven: Hammers, Polearms
  • Longaxe, Dwarven: Axes, Polearms
  • Garrote: Close
  • Injection spear: Spears

Exotic Ranged Weapons:

  • Crystal chakram: Blades, Heavy; Blades, Light; Thrown
  • Dire bolas: Thrown
  • Grappling hook: Thrown
  • Halfling double sling: Thrown
  • Halfling stitched sling: Thrown
  • Heavy crank crossbow: Crossbows
  • Heavy slaver's crossbow: Crossbows
  • Heavy wrist launcher: Crossbows
  • Horse bow: Bows
  • Light crank crossbow: Crossbows
  • Light slaver's crossbow: Crossbows
  • Shrillshaft javelin: Spears, Thrown
  • Shuriken: Monk, Thrown
  • Thorn bow: Bows
  • Wrist launcher: Crossbows

Cover image: by Daniil Rogachyov