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Descending from the horse-riding nomads of the Kuma Marches, humans have spread to every corner of the world except for Naru Daeva, and are the most populous race on Amalthea. While many human cultures have remained essentially the same way for thousands of years, among longer-lived races, humans have a reputation for ambition and rebelliousness.    

Valdoran Humans

The most populous human ethnicity in the Pact of Valdoro, Valdorans are a proud people with a knack for elemental magic, thanks to a trace amount of dragon descent in many of their prominent families. Valdorans typically have light brown skin, although pale or dark complexions are not unknown. Their hair tend to be black or brown, occasionally lighter, warm hues like red or gold. Almost all Valdorans are staunch Sybilites. Their secular culture, meanwhile, is heavily industrialized, and values wealth as the primary marker of social status. Valdoran humans speak the Valdoran language, otherwise known as Common, due to its universal usage in every city in the Pact, as well as it's increasing popularity worldwide.    

Velthirian Humans

Most of Velthiria’s commoners, middle class, and lesser nobility are made up of humans that were native to the island before elven conquest. While their ancestors were pale-skinned and dark-haired, small amounts of elven heritage can produce pale hair, dark skin, as well as uniquely elven traits such as pointed ears and purple eyes. Velthirian humans are often ambitious opportunists very much like their elven nobility, and many of them are in full support of their nation's colonial efforts. Their shorter lifespans make them less patient, and thus more likely to choose adventure as a means to gain wealth and fame. In Tisoria, most Velthirian humans arrived centuries ago as the retinues of colonial nobility, and have largely mixed into the native Valdoran population. Velthirian humans typically speak Velthirian Elvish.    

Talandran Humans

The Empire of Talandra boasts hundreds of tribes and ethnicities, such that the concept of a Talandran people only came about in the past few centuries. Talandran humans remain extremely diverse in culture, although most are dark skinned due to the tropical climate of their homeland. While the Talandran nobility subscribe to the Sybilite faith, common Talandrans worship the countless gods and spirits of the Elder Faith. Furthermore, Talandran culture makes no distinction between different kinds of magic, and as a result their mages sometimes engage in practices that are considered heresy elsewhere, such as fiend-binding and necromancy. Talandrans are often exoticized by their eastern neighbors, and have a reputation as dark mages. Talandrans usually speak their own tribal or ethnic language as a mother tongue, but all learn Talandran as part of their mandatory education.    

Brennathi Humans

The tribal people on the edges of Luir Brennath are fiercely independent and highly superstitious. Although St. Sybil was born Brennathi, the Brennathi people of today do not consider themselves Sybilites. Instead, they are adherents of the Elder Faith that simply treat Sybil as the greatest of their ancestor-gods. Brennathi are friendly with the beastfolk and wood elf tribes that live within Luir Brennath, while their relations with industrialized peoples are dismal, particularly those Valdorans and Velthirians that believe they are all barbarians in need of civilizing. Brennathi tribes speak several dialects in the Brennathi language family, only a few of which are mutually intelligible. As a result, Brennathi of different tribes sometimes use Sylvan or Sylvan Elvish to communicate with each other.    

Kuma Humans

The Kuma are the ancient ancestors of all humanity, with black hair, pale golden skin, and brown or green eyes. Kuma are well known for their affinity for horses, their nomadic lifestyles as hunters and herders, and their ancient musical traditions that permeate every aspect of their life. The Kuma Marches largely resists industrialization in the modern day, and outside of their homelands, Kuma typically retain a nomadic lifestyle as traders, artisans, and performers. Kuma enclaves exist in most large cities, and Tisoria is no exception, where settled Kuma provide temporary residence for their nomadic kin while they attempt to adapt their traditions to city life. The Kuma language is highly lyrical, often giving the impression that it is sung rather than spoken.    

Narbovian Humans

Narbovians are a rugged culture of hunters and woodsfolk accustomed to the bleak tundras and rocky mountains of their homeland. They have very pale skin, blond or red hair, and their statures tend to be large and imposing. Narbovians hold bears sacred, often taming them as hunting companions or guardian beasts, and they also breed gigantic mastiffs known as "bear dogs" in honor of their national animal. Outside of their home country, Narbovians are typically seen as barbaric, as they tend to be unfamiliar with markers of "civilization" such as organized religion, arcane magic, or industry. Narbovian humans speak Narbovian, a rare language outside of their home country.    

Markish Humans

The rugged, pale, and imposing humans of the Sorenmark used to be a rare sight in Valdoro, although they’ve become much more common since Marklund progressed from a raiding culture to one focused on mercantilism, transforming them into the economic powerhouse of Paracia's far north. Marksmen can appear intimidating on the outside, especially given the rumor of giant blood among their popuation. Furthermore, their state religion, which worships the Great Old One of krakens, makes many Sybilites uncomfortable. But once acquainted, they tend to make loyal friends. Markish humans speak the Markish language.    

Sudejan Humans

The black-haired and dark-skinned Sudejans are extremely rare outside of their homeland, where they live as whalers and moutaineers who rarely form permanent settlements. The permafrost of their homelands makes farming difficult if not impossible, and as a result almost all Sudejans are competent hunters. Sudejans are also adept mages who developed strange traditions unknown elsewhere in the world, due to their prolonged isolation. Sudejan shamans are adept at manipulating darkness and ice, which they claim to have obtained from blessings given by spirits that inhabit the icy glaciers of their home. Sudejan humans speak the Sudejan language, and their mages often learn Glacian as well.    

Cerlanian Humans

Renowned for their sailing culture, Cerlanian humans can be distinguished by their jet black hair, dark and almond-shaped eyes, and their elegant, silken robes sewn with beautiful patterns. Red-sailed Cerlanian ships and airships sometimes come to Tisoria's ports, carrying exotic goods from their tropical islands and floating mountains. Back in their homeland, most Cerlanians are polite, curious, and peaceful folk with close ties to the last bastion of true dragons in Amalthea. Among Paracians, however, Cerlanians are stereotyped as greedy merchants at best, violent pirates at worst, a reputation spread by the infamous Silksail Dynasty that operates in the Cerlanian Sea and the Sea of Hope. Cerlanian humans speak a variety of languages from several different language families, so Auran and Aquan have been adopted in different regions of Cerlania as a lingua franca. In Paracia, Cerlanians from the monastic colony of Shan-Kuo and the Silksail pirates speak the Shan language.    

Peroran Humans

Perorans are the first humans to settle the continent of Perora and give the land its modern name, making up the majority population in the nations of Zaharrah and Tulkarn. Genetically pure humans are a minority among them, as almost all Perorans people have some amount of planar heritage. While most Peroran families are dominated by one or two planar affinities, some families are extremely mixed. As a result, Perorans don’t have gender roles; instead, as fervent devotees of the Sublime Mechanism and practitioners of astrology, familial roles are traditionally assigned based on planar affinity, or astrological sign if the child is not planetouched. While Perorans are not persecuted in Valdoro, the Sublime Mechanism is disliked by most Sybilites, thus resulting in frequent religious friction. Perora has a large number of native languages that aren't mutually intelligible, but educated Perorans are polyglots who learn several planar languages as part of their religious and astrological studies, as well as Zaharran. Perorans in Paracia usually learn Common.    

Human House Rules

  • Humans gain the Heart of the Region racial trait, granting them one free “heart of the [blank]” alternate racial trait. This trait can be replaced by any trait that replaces Skilled.

Valdoran Arcanist by Dionisis Milonas

Talandran Scholar by Konstantin Porubov

Brennathi Hunter by Eva Widermann

Cerlanian Pirate by Johan Grenier

Peroran Gunslinger

Peroran Warpriest by Anna Christenson

Cover image: by Maerel Hibadita