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Lancer Rework


As a special attack action, you may make a melee attack with a manufactured weapon, natural weapon, or unarmed strike and attempt to impale your target, provided you were using a piercing weapon. If the attack is successful and deals lethal damage to the creature, you may make a special grapple check with the impaling weapon as a free action that does not provoke. You get a +1 competence bonus on this check, +1 for every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. If you succeed, the impaled creature gains the impaled condition, with you controlling the impaling weapon. Attempts to impale a creature protected by a Freedom of Movement spell, the Fate sphere Freedom (word), or similar abilities automatically fail.   You may impale creatures of up to your size, plus one size category for every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. If using undersized or oversized weapons, treat your size as the size of creature your weapon is sized for, but apply any penalties you take to attack rolls for using such weapons to the grapple check.  

Impaled (condition)

The creature has a weapon impaled into it. The creature may move, but all movement speeds they possess are reduced by 1/2(minimum 5 ft.). A creature may remove an uncontrolled impaling weapon if they have a free hand or other suitable limb as though drawing it (as a move action, or as a free action as part of a move if they have +1 base attack bonus), or any number of impaling weapons as a full-round action. This may be reduced to a free action with the quickdraw feat.   If the impaling weapon is controlled by another creature, the impaled creature cannot move. It must make a concentration check to cast spells (DC 10 + the controller’s CMB + spell level). To remove a controlled impaling weapon, the impaled creature must make a grapple combat maneuver check with a DC equal to the controller’s CMD - this check does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When an impaling weapon is removed, the creature takes bleed damage equal to the base damage dice of the weapon used to impale it. This is not modified by any size changes other than increasing the actual size of the weapon.   A creature can only be subjected to one controlled impale at a time - attempts to impale a creature while another creature controls a weapon impaling your target automatically fail. Incorporeal, ethereal, or otherwise insubstantial creatures can only be impaled by weapons that interact with them normally (typically weapons with the ghost touch ability). Creatures that are immune to effects that target single creatures, such as swarms and troops, cannot be impaled.
  If you are controlling an impaling weapon, you cannot use that weapon for attacks except against the impaling creature. If it is an unarmed strike, you may still make unarmed strikes against other creatures, but may only impale a single creature with your unarmed strike. You may automatically remove the impaling weapon as a move action, and must do so to use the weapon effectively if the creature is slain or incapacitated while impaled - you may remove any number of weapons you control that are impaling corpses, non-creatures, or helpless creatures as part of this move action. Controlling an impaling weapon requires the same amount of hands as wielding the weapon does.   At the start of your turn, if you are controlling an impaling weapon, you must succeed at a grapple combat maneuver against the target of the impalement with a +5 circumstance bonus. Success allows you to deal damage as though you had hit the creature with a single attack with that weapon and retains the impalement. Failure means you lose control of the impalement, and must either remove the weapon or let go of it.   While you are impaling a creature, all of your movement speeds (or your mount’s movement speeds, if you are mounted) are halved (minimum 5 ft.). You must make a single opposed Strength check against each impaled creature to move (this Strength check is made by your mount if you are mounted) - on failure, you must either release all weapons impaling creatures that you failed your strength check against, or fail to move and waste the action. As natural attacks and unarmed strikes cannot be released, failing the strength check when impaling with a natural attack or unarmed strike forces you to fail to move and waste the action. Impaled creatures moved in this way do not provoke attacks of opportunity.   Likewise, if you are subjected to forced movement, you must make an opposed Strength check against all impaled creatures; failing this check against any impaled creature forces you to release any weapons you’re using to impale a creature immediately, while success drags any impaled creatures with you during this forced movement. This can forcibly remove natural attacks and unarmed weapons you are impaling creatures with, which ends the impalement on them - when this occurs, you are staggered on your next turn, even if you are immune to the staggered condition.   You can also choose to release the weapon as a free action to end your control of the impalement (although you cannot release natural weapons or unarmed strikes). A creature may attempt a grapple check against an impaled creature’s CMD to assume control of the weapon impaling that creature as long as another creature is not controlling it. If so, the creature making the attempt receives a +4 circumstance bonus on the grapple check.   Talents with the (impale) tag can only be used against creatures who are impaled by this ability when you are controlling the impaling weapon.      

Lancer Talents

Adamant Stalker

Whenever a creature within your threatened area attempts to take a 5-foot step away from you, you may also make a 5-foot step as an immediate action so long as you end your movement with the creature in your threatened range. If you take this step, you cannot take a 5-foot step during your next turn. If you take an action to move during your next turn, subtract 5 ft. from your total movement. You can select this talent a second time; if you do, the creature also provokes an attack of opportunity from you at the end of your movement. Associated Feat: Step up, Step und and Strike if taken twice.    

Bracing Pierce

Whenever you ready an action to intercept a charge, you may also attempt to impale the creature as though you had hit them with the special attack action. Once per round while you have an action readied in this fashion, you may move up to half your base speed as a free action even when it is not your turn; if this movement would place you in the path of a charging creature, you can make your readied attack against them. At +10 base attack bonus, if a creature provokes an attack of opportunity from you due to moving towards you, they are treated as a charging creature for the purpose of triggering your readied action.    

Defensive Leverage (stance) [Youxia HB]

While in this stance, as long as you are impaling an adjacent creature and controlling the weapon used to impale them, you gain a 20% miss chance against all attack rolls made against you. If this talent causes an attack made against you to miss, you may spend an attack of opportunity to redirect the attack against an adjacent creature you are currently impaling this way.    

Devastating Stab [Lancer Rework]

Whenever you impale a creature, that creature is battered until the impaling weapon is removed and takes a -2 penalty on combat maneuver checks to remove the impaling weapon. If you have Pincushion Punishment, its penalty to attack rolls and armor class also applies to the creature’s CMD for as long as it is impaled.    

Strike Through [Lancer Rework]

Whenever you successfully impale a creature and there is another creature in a line behind it within your reach, you may make an additional impale attempt against that creature. You may impale 1 additional creature with a single weapon this way, +1 for every 6 points of base attack bonus you possess. You may remove a weapon impaling multiple creatures this way from all creatures with a single move action. Even if you let go of the weapon, creatures impaled in this fashion cannot move away from each other unless the impaling weapon is removed beforehand.    

Focusing Finale

Whenever you remove your weapon from an impaled creature as a move action, you may regain your martial focus.    

Opportune Impalement

Whenever you make an attack of opportunity against a foe, you can expend your martial focus to attempt to impale them if the attack hits.    

Pincushion Punishment

You can make an impale attempt against a creature who is currently impaled; if you do so, they take a -1 penalty to attack rolls and armor class for each weapon currently impaling them. As long as no other creatures are holding any weapons currently impaling the creature, you may choose to remove all weapons currently impaling it as an attack action by making a single combat maneuver check against the creature’s CMD, dealing damage equal to the weapon’s base damage die for each weapon removed with this talent. If you do not have enough hands to carry all of these weapons you may choose which ones to hold, with any remaining weapons falling to your feet.    

Pinning Impale

Whenever you use the charge action, you can impale the target of your charge on a successful attack. If the creature is adjacent to a wall or other such structure, or they are within your melee reach of one, you can pin them to the wall with your weapon. Even when the weapon is released and uncontrolled, the creature must make a grapple combat maneuver check against your CMD as though you controlled the weapon to remove it, and may not move until the weapon is removed as though you still controlled it. You may select this talent up to twice; if you select this talent a second time, you can instead pin a creature to the ground with this talent.    

Ranged Impale

You may attempt to impale a creature with a thrown weapon. If you possess the Pinning Impale talent, you may use it with this talent. Ammunition and other weapons which would be destroyed upon successfully hitting a creature may not be used with this talent. You do not control the impaling weapon unless another ability you possess allows you to do so.    

Repositioning Impale [Lancer Rework]

When you deal damage to a creature by confirming an impalement on subsequent turns, you may attempt a reposition maneuver against it as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must move the creature to a space within your reach, or otherwise remove or let go of the weapon. Removing a weapon from a creature in this fashion does not take an action.    

Skillful Stabber [Lancer Rework]

As long as you have martial focus, you may attempt to impale creatures as an attack action. When you attempt to impale creatures with a special attack action, you get a +2 circumstance bonus on the combat maneuver check to impale.    

Terrifying Pierce

Whenever you successfully impale a creature, you can make an Intimidate check against that creature to demoralize them as an immediate action. At +10 base attack bonus, a creature who is demoralized by this talent must make a will save. If they fail, it is instead frightened for the duration of the demoralization.    

Whirlwind Knockdown

As an attack action, you can attempt a single trip combat maneuver check against all creatures you threaten, tripping each creature whose CMD you successfully overcome. For each creature you target with this talent, you take a -1 penalty to your combat maneuver check. At +10 base attack bonus, all creatures knocked prone by this talent take damage equal to your base attack bonus.    

Impale Talents

Bloody Rip (impale)

Whenever you deal damage to a creature by confirming an impalement against them, you may remove the impaling weapon as a swift action, causing them to retain all penalties for being impaled (except for being unable to move) until the end of their next turn. If you have the Devil Lance talent, you may remove any number of impaling natural attacks or unarmed strikes with a single swift action.    

Cruel Vibration (impale)

Whenever you deal damage to a creature by confirming an impalement against them, your damage is treated as though you rolled the maximum possible amount on your weapon’s damage dice (additional damage dice from critical hits and special abilities such as the flaming enchantment are not affected by this ability). At +10 base attack bonus, whenever you deal damage with a weapon currently impaling a creature, that creature must make a successful Fortitude save or be staggered for one round.
Wiki Note: Cruel Vibration does not affect additional damage dice from Vital Strike.    

Distracting Tear (impale)

Whenever you remove an impaling weapon you control from an impaled creature, that creature provokes an attack of opportunity from one ally of your choice other than yourself. For every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess, you can select an additional ally with this talent. This ability does not trigger if the weapon was removed as a free action, and only triggers once per action per creature, regardless of how many impaling weapons you remove.    

Human Shield (impale)

Whenever you are the target of an attack, you may perform a reposition combat maneuver against an impaled creature as an immediate action without provoking an attack of opportunity. You may reposition the impaled enemy into occupied squares other than your own, but they are shunted to the nearest unoccupied square after the attack resolves. If the impaled creature’s new position would place them in the path of the attack targeting you, the attack is instead rolled against them.    

Painful Twist (impale)

You may perform a dirty trick combat maneuver as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity against an impaled creature. At +10 base attack bonus, you may perform this dirty trick combat maneuver as a swift action.    

Piercing Heft (impale) [Alienist HB]

As long as you control a weapon impaling a creature, your grapple combat maneuvers against that creature do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you may perform a grapple combat maneuver or maintain a grapple as a move action. You may still wield and control weapons impaling the creature you are grappling as though you were not grappled.    

Ragdoll Swing (impale)

As long as you have martial focus, you may use a creature you are currently impaling with a wielded weapon as an improvised weapon of that creature’s size, taking no penalties on attack rolls for doing so. Instead of dealing damage to the creature as part of maintaining an impalement, you may instead make a single attack action against another target within your reach. This talent does not allow you to wield a creature of a larger size than you normally could wield as an improvised weapon. Each successful attack you make while using the impaled creature as a weapon deals damage to the impaled creature equal to half your base attack bonus. You may use the same hands you use to wield the impaling weapon to wield the impaling creature.    

Unbalancing Twist (impale)

As long as you have martial focus, you can cause a creature in your reach impaled by a weapon you control to provoke an attack of opportunity from one ally of your choice (except for yourself) as a move action. For every 5 points of base attack bonus you possess, you can select an additional ally with this talent.      

Legendary Talents

Dimensional Pierce

Prerequisites: Lancer sphere, impale ability, base attack bonus +10.
Creatures impaled by you are affected as though by a dimensional lock spell as long as you control a weapon impaling that creature. This means that the target cannot use teleportation effects, turn ethereal, or otherwise travel from the spot they are at except through mundane means. This is a supernatural effect.
Your abilities that would be prevented by dimensional lock are not prevented by this talent, and you may target creatures affected by this talent with such abilities as though you were touching them.    

Soul Link

Prerequisites: Lancer sphere, impale ability, base attack bonus +5.
Whenever you control a weapon that is impaling a creature, whenever you take damage, that creature must make a successful Fortitude save or suffer 1/4 of the damage dealt to you; this damage is untyped and cannot be reduced. If the impaled creature would regain hit points from a non-extraordinary source, they must make a successful Will save or gain only 1/2 of the hit points they normally would, granting you temporary hit points equal to 1/2 of the healing they would receive. These hit points last for 1 minute. At +10 base attack bonus, the target instead suffers 1/2 the damage you would on a failed save, taking 1/4 of the damage on a successful save. This is a supernatural ability.    

Soul Pierce

Prerequisites: Lancer sphere, impale ability, base attack bonus +10.
At the beginning of your turn, you may inflict 1 negative level to each creature impaled by a weapon you control - even if you have a creature impaled with multiple weapon, such as with Pincushion Punishment, you may not inflict multiple negative levels to a single creature in one round with this ability. These negative levels last for a number of hours equal to your base attack bonus. This is a supernatural effect.    

Turbo Knockdown [Youxia HB]

Prerequisites: Athletics sphere (Mobile Striker), Lancer sphere (Whirlwind Knockdown), base attack bonus +10.
When you use Mobile Striker and Whirlwind Knockdown in the same round, you may instead target any creatures you threaten with the weapon used for the attack at some point during your movement. Resolve the attack action after completing the movement from Mobile Striker. At base attack bonus +15, halve the attack penalty from Whirlwind Knockdown, rounded up.

Cover image: by Daniil Rogachyov