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Orcs in Almalthea are found primarily in harsh and dangerous lands, such as the monster-infested jungles of Talandra, the frozen tundras of Okkurn, and the barren desert of Tulkarn. Every orcish culture evolved out of the basic need for survival, and as a result orcs are often seen as brutal, crass, and unsophisticated, even though the orcs of Amalthea are just as capable of rich culture and traditions as any other people. In general, orcish culture is primal, with a deep veneration for the power of nature. Most orcish families have a druid or shaman, trained to commune with the spirits of the natural places they inhabit.   Orcs are taller and more muscular than humans, with a pair of tusks that are usually larger for men than women. Orcs have a large variation in skin color, although almost all orcs have black hair. Orc men tend to grow bushy beards and a lot of body hair. Orc women are not significantly hairier than humans.   Unlike most other races, orcish ethnicities are not distinct cultural in-groups, but each a loosely connected grouping of tribes and clans with very little collective identity. Thus, any generalization attributed to each of the following orcish ethnicities has exceptions.    

Jungle Orcs

The most populous orcs found in Paracia are the jungle orcs of southern Talandra, where they evolved green skin adapted to camouflage. In the ancient days, these orcs were devout worshipers of nagas, who instilled in them strong warrior traditions dedicated to the defense of holy temples. With the disappearance of their serpentine demigods, jungle orcs maintained their traditions, and today are famed for their prowess as fierce warriors, monster hunters, and monster tamers. While the jungle is full of deadly predators and diseases, jungle orcs do not lack for resources, and thus are more concerned with protecting their lands and people from invading monsters, than with raiding other races. Jungle orc tribes are typically tight knit and very protective of their young, weak, and elderly. Due to the high mortality rate of their mostly male warriors to monster attacks and tribal warfare, jungle orcs are traditionally polygynous, although men typically can't marry new wives without the permission of their current wives.   Today, most jungle orcs are subjects of the Talandran Empire, and while each of their tribes maintains unique cultural traditions, most consider themselves at least nominally Talandran. A good portion of jungle orcs are urban, while rural jungle orcs typically practice agriculture to some degree, and thus they are considered the most civilized of the orcish ethnicities. Jungle orcs usually speak their native tribal language, as well as Talandran.    

Tundra Orcs

In the frozen, primordial lands of Okkurn, the hardy, grey-skinned tundra orcs developped a violent culture through millennia of constant battle for survival. These orcs are surrounded on each side by people holding richer lands: to the west, the Spine of the World belongs to the steelblood dwarves; to the south, wood elves dominate Luir Brennath; and to the north, Markish humans have undisputed claim to the Great Bear Sea. Thus, tundra orcs traditionally see each of these peoples as enemies to be pillaged, although they are just as likely to battle among themselves for dominance. In recent years, many chieftains have made attempts to modernize the culture of Okkurn, following the lead of Marklund, with very mixed results.   In more peaceful lands, it is widely believed that tundra orcs do not wed, but their men simply kidnap women as thralls; that they ritually slaughter their disabled and elderly for being too weak to survive; that they fight each other to the death at the least provocation; and that their diet consists entirely of raw meat, including the flesh of their enemies. In truth, while tundra orc culture is unmistakably harsh, the "barbarism" of their practices is frequently exaggerated for shock value. Tundra orcs value honor and respect, although their concept of honor reflects courage, strength, and personal glory. Foreigners who become well-aquainted with tundra orcs are often surprised by their strong sense of justice unrelated to any "civilized" court of law.   Tundra orc tribes each have its own language, and most of them are not mutually intelligible. As a result, many tundra orcs also speak a pidgin tongue with simplified grammar and vocabulary simply called "Orcish". The crude nature of this pidgin language, combined with the tundra orcs' lack of a writing system, further pushes the stereotype that tundra orcs are primitive.    

Desert Orcs

In the desolate wastelands of Tulkarn, red and orange-skinned desert orcs roam between the settlements of other peoples, rarely staying long enough for their mysterious culture to become fully understood. Desert orcs are said to worship an unique aspect of Acamari, the god of water and time, and thus made their home in a desert that was once an ocean. These orcs tame giant lizards as mounts and beasts of burden, and survive by hunting, herding, and trading with human cities that dot Tulkarn's coasts and river deltas.   Desert orcs have a strange culture that revolve around dreams. Hidden in oasis temples, their priests live in a permanent state of half-sleep through the use of magic and alchemical substances, where they dream the dreams of the gods and interpret their visions as readings of fate to the public. Depending on these readings, desert orcs may then speak cryptically of them to settled peoples, who may either heed the orcs' portents by providing for their room and board, or drive them away.   Desert orcs speak a language that is rarely taught to others, but those who journey beyond their homeland to spread their prophecies speak Aquan, the language of Acamari.    


Whenever orcs and humans make frequent contact, half-orcs are born. This is especially common in urban parts of Talandra, and most people think nothing of it. Orcish labourers, both indentured and immigrant, are also a common sight in the city states of Valdoro, and their descendants with working class humans make up most of the half-orcs in Valdoro. These half-orcs consider themselves fully Valdoran, and rarely have any attachments to traditional Orc culture, although they often face prejudice for their lower class origins. In Tisoria, urban half-orcs make up the majority of the Docker's Guild, a powerful labor union that doubles as an unofficial peacekeeping organization in the city's poorer districts.   Half-orcs of elven and dwarven descent are found at the borders of Okkurn, although they're often the result of chance dalliances, rather than intentional intermarriage. Unlike the more common human-descended half-orcs, they face significant prejudice from both sides of their lineage.   Half orcs typically inherit orcish skin tones, but are more slender than full-blooded orcs. They have smaller tusks, which can be nearly unnoticeable on some women.    

Orc House Rules

  • Orcs have the following racial ability score modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
  • Orcs can select any half-orc racial trait that replaces orc ferocity by giving up ferocity instead.

Jungle Orc Socialite

Jungle Orc Socialite by Katie Friese

Tundra Orc Raider by ARTTAiR

Desert Orc Scout by Jason Engle

Half-Orc Alchemist by Thu Anh Phan

Cover image: by Maerel Hibadita