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Revised Underwater Combat

Slashing or Bludgeoning Piercing Movement
Freedom of Movement Spell Normal Normal Normal speed
Has a Swim Speed -2 to hit Normal Swim speed
Successful Swim Check with Swim Package -2 to hit Normal Half normal speed
Successful Swim Check -2 to hit Normal Quarter normal speed
Bracing* -2 to hit Normal Half normal speed, only on the surface braced against
None of The Above -2 to hit, half damage -2 to hit, half damage Off balance


When a creature is effectively braced against a solid surface underwater (either by carrying sufficient gear or by being pressed against it by some other force) they may move on that surface at half their normal land speed, and attack as if they had a swim speed or had succeeded on a Swim check.  

*Piercing Attacks with other damage types:

Attacks that deal both piercing and bludgeoning or slashing damage are treated as piercing attacks for the purpose of interacting with water.  

New Condition: Off Balance

A creature that is in water but unable to move (such as by failing a swim check, or being grappled) is off balance. An off balance creature loses their Dexterity bonus to AC, and suffers a further -2 penalty to AC. In addition, an off balance creature must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level or half caster level) to cast a spell with somatic or material components. A creature rendered off balance by any means other than failing a swim check (such as being grappled) may remove this condition by succeeding on a swim check as a move action.  

Ranged Attacks

Ranged weapons take a -2 penalty on attack rolls in water, and treat each 5 feet of water as 20 feet of range in air for the purposes of calculating attack penalties due to range increments.  

The Underwater Crossbow’s description is changed to the following:

An underwater crossbow functions like its normal counterpart above water, and can be used underwater. When fired underwater, the crossbow doesn’t suffer a -2 penalty and uses its normal range increment. Anyone proficient with a normal light or heavy crossbow can use its underwater equivalent.  

Attacks from Land or Air:

Characters swimming, floating, or treading water on the surface, or wading in water at least chest deep, have partial cover (+2 bonus to AC, +1 bonus on Reflex saves) from opponents on land or in the air. A completely submerged creature has cover (+4 bonus to AC, +2 bonus on Reflex saves) and concealment (20% miss chance) against opponents on land or in air. Effects that don’t require attack rolls are unaffected, except mundane fire effects.  


Mundane fire (such as from a torch) does not burn underwater. Alchemical fire (such as alchemist’s fire), magical fire (such as a Fireball or Searing Blast), and technological fire (such as a technician’s flamethrower) create a bubble of steam instead of its usual fiery effect, but otherwise they work as described. At the GM’s discretion, objects and weapons that produce alchemical or technological fire only work when waterproofed (such as through an Air Bubble spell).  

Spellcasting Underwater:

Casting spells while submerged can be difficult for those who cannot breathe underwater. A creature that cannot breathe water must make a concentration check with a DC of 15 + spell level or half caster level to cast a spell with verbal components underwater. A creature that is off balance must also make this concentration check to cast a spell with somatic or material components underwater. If a creature that cannot breathe water and is off balance wishes to cast a spell that has both verbal and somatic components, it must instead succeed on a concentration check with a DC of 15 + twice spell level or caster level.   Some spells might function differently underwater, subject to the GM’s discretion.

Cover image: by Daniil Rogachyov