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Sorcerer & Bloodrager Archetypes

Sphere Crossblooded Sorcerer

This archetype requires sphere sorcerer.    

Mixed Blood:

A crossblooded sorcerer selects two different bloodlines, which may be wildblooded bloodlines.    


A crossblooded sorcerer receives the bonus class skill from both of their bloodlines. If these are the same skill, this does not grant any additional benefit.    

Bonus Feats:

A crossblooded sorcerer combines the bonus feat lists from both of their bloodlines and may select her bloodline bonus feats from this combined list.    

Bloodline Arcana:

A crossblooded sorcerer gains the bloodline arcana of both their bloodlines. They may choose to replace either or both bloodline arcanas with a focus sphere.    

Bloodline Powers:

At 1st, 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 20th levels, a crossblooded sorcerer gains one of the two new bloodline powers available to them at that level. They may instead select a lower-level bloodline power they did not choose in place of one of these higher-level powers.    

Diminished Spellcasting:

A crossblooded sorcerer gains 3/4ths of a magic talent every level.   This modifies magic talents.    

Dual Heritage:

The crossblooded sorcerer may choose to gain only 1/2 a magic talent every level. If they do so, each time they choose a bloodline power from one of their bloodlines, they automatically gain the bloodline power they did not choose 2 levels later, at 3rd, 5th, 11th, and 17th levels. A crossblooded sorcerer only gains the 20th level bloodline power from one of their bloodlines.   This (optionally) further modifies magic talents.    

United Heritage:

Whenever the crossblooded sorcerer uses the 1st level ability granted by either of their bloodlines, they may use the 1st level ability granted by the other bloodline as a free action once that turn, provided they have such an ability, and that ability can be used as a standard action. If both abilities require an attack roll, they may trigger the second ability in response to the first ability hitting, and have both effects hit the same target, provided it is within range. If the first ability gives the sorcerer an attack ability (such as claws), then one strike that round may trigger a use of their second bloodline ability.    

Divergent Nature:

A crossblooded sorcerer always takes a –2 penalty on Will saves.      

Champion Bloodrager


Champion bloodragers are proficient with simple weapons, as well as light armor and bucklers. In addition, if this is this character’s first level in any class, they may select a martial tradition of their choice.   This alters proficiencies.    


The champion bloodrager may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. The champion bloodrager is considered a Low-Caster. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and may select a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)   This replaces the spells class feature, bloodline spells, and Eschew Materials.    

Blended Training:

A champion bloodrager gains a combat or magic talent at every even level. Champion bloodragers use their casting ability modifier as their practitioner modifier.    

Greater Training:

The champion bloodrager may choose to lose all bloodline feats to gain a combat or magic talent at every class level with their blended training (instead every even level). They may not take this option if possessing an archetype that would alter or replace bloodline feats.   This (optionally) replaces bloodline feats.    

Champion Blood Casting:

At 4th level, the champion bloodrager may use magical sphere effects while bloodraging, just as they can with spells.   This alters blood casting.    

Champion Bloodrage:

The champion bloodrager may cast sphere effects on themself upon entering a bloodrage when using the greater bloodrage and mighty bloodrage class features. Just as with spells, the effect can only be applied to themself, and if it has a duration of greater than 1 round, it instead lasts for the duration of the bloodrage. The chosen sphere effect must cost no spell points; if an effect is chosen with a duration of concentration, it instead lasts 1 round. At 20th level, the chosen effect no longer needs to cost 0 spell points.   This alters greater bloodrage and mighty bloodrage.      

Champion Crossblooded Rager

This archetype requires champion bloodrager.  

Mixed Blood:

A crossblooded rager selects two different bloodlines.    

Bonus Feats:

A crossblooded rager combines the bonus feat lists from both of their bloodlines and may select her bloodline bonus feats from this combined list.    

Bloodline Powers:

At 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th levels, a crossblooded rager gains one of the two new bloodline powers available to them at that level. They may instead select a lower-level bloodline power they did not choose in place of one of these higher-level powers.    

Dual Heritage:

The crossblooded rager may choose to lose all bloodline feats. If they do so, each time they choose a bloodline power from one of their bloodlines, they automatically gain the bloodline power they did not choose 2 levels later, at 3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. A crossblooded rager only gains the 20th level bloodline power from one of their bloodlines.   This (optionally) replaces bloodline feats.    

Divergent Nature:

A crossblooded rager takes a –2 penalty to all Will saving throws at all times, and does not gain the +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws while bloodraging—though they do gain a +1 morale bonus Will saving throws when they gain the greater bloodrage class feature, which increases to a +2 morale bonus on saving throws upon gaining the mighty bloodrage class feature.

Cover image: by Daniil Rogachyov