BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Standards of Conduct

The Amalthea server maintains a set of rules and expectations, which applies to all members, including staff. By joining our server, you acknowledge that you have read these rules and understand the expectations. Breaching our standard of conduct will result in an official warning. Repeated or severe violations will result in your removal from the community.    

General Conduct

As a server shared by a diverse spectrum of creative minds, we request our players respect the following rules, in order to keep our community kind and welcoming.   1. This Server is 18+. Any member found to be under 18 will be removed.   2. Respect each other. Be kind and civil with each other. Do not harass or discriminate against anyone based on their gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic group, nationality, or religious affiliation. Any hatred or bigotry, including hatred or bigotry disguised as humor, will automatically result in a ban. In addition, please respect another player’s preferred pronouns.   3. Do not debate real world issues. While we won’t automatically give people warnings for bringing up the news, we do request players keep discussions of contentious real life topics to a minimum. Any heated debate on politics, religion/spirituality, or current events will be shut down by moderators. However, please note that LGBTQ+ identities and scientific facts are not considered political, and will not be treated as such by the moderators.   4. Do not discuss real world illegal activities. If you discuss anything of an illegal or harmful nature, you will be removed and potentially reported to Discord or local authorities. This includes violent or sexual content involving minors or animals, and illegal possession of hard drugs or firearms.   5. Do not share pornography or graphically violent content. This includes ERP as well. If you have a reference image that skirts the line (eg. non-sexual nudity), please consult a moderator first, and spoiler-tag the image even if permission is granted.   6. Keep us informed of changes in your availability. While real life always comes first, no one likes to be ghosted. If something comes up and you can’t participate in server activity for extended periods of time, please leave a notice in the absence channel (no need to provide a reason for absence). This is especially important if you’re in the middle of a scene or ongoing quest. Repeated failure to report absence in the middle of quests will result in warnings or even removal from the server.   7. Always remember to communicate. When conflicts occur, do not presume others act out of malice. Miscommunications happen, and are best rectified by polite and open-minded discussion. Reach out to other players and try to solve conflicts with understanding and civility. Do your best to retcon any disruptive or upsetting IC events caused by OOC misunderstanding. Contact a moderator if you can’t reconcile your differences on your own.    

Roleplaying Conduct

To ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone, we kindly ask players to follow these rules when creating and playing a character.   1. No Power Gaming. Do not deliberately exploit the game system to create extremely powerful characters, to the detriment of story and other players’ enjoyment. Moderators reserve the right to nerf or ban gameplay options that surpass acceptable power levels for this server.   2. No Metagaming. Do not have your character act on or respond to information you (the player) know, but your character does not.   3. No God-Modding. Do not choose actions or consequences for another player’s character without the player’s permission. Do not have your character automatically succeed at a difficult action that normally calls for a dice roll. Do not make characters with more narrative importance than other characters in the server. This means your character can’t hold great amounts of political power, nor be closely related to NPCs in power. Your character also can’t be a “chosen one”, the last survivor of a fallen race, or some similar “protagonist” trope.   4. Respect Setting Lore. Do not play characters of races that do not exist in Amalthea. This includes reskinning mechanics for permitted races in order to play something else. However, you may create a custom ethnic group or variant for an existing playable race with moderator oversight. You may also suggest lore-friendly ways of integrating new races into the setting for moderator consideration. Homebrew mechanics without lore justification will always be rejected.   5. Maintain IC and OOC boundaries. Keep a clear boundary between in- and out-of-character emotions and reactions. Avoid making IC decisions for OOC reasons (or vice versa). If anything happened in character that causes you OOC distress, please contact a moderator for adjudication.   6. No PVP Without Consent. While PVP is not strictly banned, it is only allowed in instances where all involved parties give enthusiastic OOC consent. Certain controversial behaviors, such as a PC committing atrocities against NPCs meaningful to other PCs, may also qualify as initiating PVP, subject to case-by-case adjudication. Never engage in PVP in a quest if the GM does not permit it, and acquire GM oversight if engaging in PVP outside of a quest.   7. Respect a PG-13 to light R rating. Adult language and mild violence involving blood are fine, as are romantic or sexualized descriptions that don’t feature explicit nudity. Avoid explicit torture, extreme or sexual violence, and gratuitous descriptions of atrocities such as slavery and war crimes. Be mindful of other players’ triggers and phobias as listed in the triggers channel. Do not ERP in any public channel.

Cover image: by Daniil Rogachyov