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The City of Tisoria

Tisoria is the hub city where most of the server's events will occur. It is an enormous metropolis inhabited by millions of people of diverse racial and cultural origins, with an area of over a hundred square miles. As a result, the map presented in this section is not to scale, and instead a stylized depiction that simply shows the relative sizes of its districts, and as well as the relative locations of its significant landmarks.  
City of Tisoria

Tisoria at a Glance

  The city of Tisoria was founded roughly 600 years ago by Velthirian colonists. Over the next centuries, its residents grew tired of colonial rule, and eventually Velthiria's failure to defend Tisoria from pirate attacks catalyzed the city's independence in 4654 A.L. The city has since become a part of the Pact of Valdoro, a union of city states bound by shared economic interests, pooled military resources, and a common religion in the Sybilite Church. Although Anchora Magna served as the capital of the Pact and dictated some common laws for the entire Valdoro region, in practice each city state was a republic responsible for its own internal governance. With the recent destruction of Anchora Magna by the Scourge, Tisoria seeks to become the new capital of the Pact. However, its origin as a former Velthirian colony, as well as its unusually progressive social policies, pose a significant obstacle to the city's ability to achieve this goal.   The following are some things that all Tisorians know:  

Tisoria has a distinctly willful character.

Foreigners often claim Tisoria has a mind of its own that does not belong to its rulers. Tisoria's crowning moment was its independence from colonial rule by feudal Velthiria in favor of the Pact of Valdoro's democratic governance. Following the Hearthlight Riots, it futher diverged from the rest of the Pact's oligarchic style of democracy; while the other city states only allow the wealthy patrician class to vote and run for political office, Tisoria chose to extend suffrage to all literate citizens, even those without a penny to their name. In the Third Darkness, Tisoria is the first city to open its gates to refugees fleeing from the Scourge, while Talandra and the rest of Valdoro chose to turn a blind eye to all but a select few with high social status.   As a result, Tisoria has a reputation among other industrialized nations as being independent and rebellious. Some even see the city as a mad place ruled by mobs of commoners rather than proper authority. Tisoria isn't without refinement, however. A highly educated city, its mages, academics, and artists are renowned around the world, although their unconventional ideas further contribute to the city's infamy.    

Tisoria is home to diverse cultures and competing beliefs.

As the saying goes, if it exists, it can be found in Tisoria. The people of Tisoria come from all over the world, each bringing with them unique customs that contribute to the city's vibrant culture. From the spice-scented streets of Little Talandra to the red arches of the Cerlanian Enclave, the soot-darkened alleys of the Night Quarter to the immaculate gardens of the Lavenders, mortals from all across the known world seem to have a place in this city.   This isn't to say all coexist without conflict. Tisoria is a battleground for rival ideologies. Everyone in the city, from impoverished dockworkers and desperate refugees to wealthy industrialists and scions of its old colonial rulers, wants a hand in shaping its future. In addition, even a place this cosmpolitican still struggles with prejudice. Those seen as outcasts, such as goblins, occult mages, and monstrous races, are still feared by most people in Tisoria, while a wide gap exists between rich and poor. In terms of social progress, Tisoria still has a long way to go.    

Tisoria is on the cutting edge of magic and technology.

The Arcanarium, built by the Order of St. Laurelion shortly after the city's founding, has over the past few centuries developed into the world's most prestigious university. Meanwhile, the Ember Trading Company uses Tisoria as a base for its ventures into technological research and development, branching off from the more traditional mercantile focus of its Varancian founders. Even by the standards of the industrialized world, Tisoria is home to some of the most advanced, and some might say esoteric, forays into the arcane and the technological.   While the common people of Tisoria might not benefit much from these more experimental inventions, they're frequently found in the hands of the brave and the foolish eager to test out crazy new ideas in the field. As a result, Tisoria also attracts adventuring heroes and visionary minds, who see the city as a land of opportunity where they can make a name for themselves.

City of Tisoria

Pact of Valdoro   Population
~ 3 million, with 3 million more in surrounding townships and villages   Demographic
42% humans, 16% dwarves, 14% half-orcs, 11% half-elves, 6% elves, 5% halflings, 3% orcs, 2% beastfolk, 0.7% dragonkin, 0.3% others   Government
Democratically elected city council   Ruler
Governor Cerida Lucetti   Demonym
Tisorians   Adjective
Tisorian   Languages
Valdoran, Velthirian Elvish, Tolthari, Talandran, Kuma, Low Draconic, Halfling Creole, Sylvan, Shan   Religions
Sybilism, Elder Faith, Great Old One cults   Districts
Isle of Tisoria
  • Palace Ring
  • Scholar's Ring
  • Covenhall Harbor
  • Monument Hill
  • San Vecia
  • Magus Row
  • Lavenders
  • Diamanti
  • Consulate District
Pine Crossing   Eastern Mainland
  • Ember Market
  • Rubia
  • Silverpoint Harbor
  • Upper Amber District
  • Highspirits
  • Cerlanian Enclave
  Western Mainland
  • Silverpoint Harbor
  • Lower Amber District
  • Dawnshire
  • Little Talandra
  • Kuma Enclave
  • Shifter's Alley
  • Night Quarter
  • Roots
  Goblin Town   The Undercity

Cover image: by li moly