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The Creation of Amalthea

The planet of Amalthea has existed for millions, perhaps even billions, of years, long before any of its current inhabitants had come to be. Thus the events of its creation are considered myth, rather than history. The following is a Sybilite belief, and many alternative creation myths for the multiverse exists.   Before Creation, there was the Nothing, the endless expanse of emptiness before time and space. Selara, the All-Mother, awoke in the Nothing, and knew Fear. For in the Nothing arose her antithesis, an eldritch nightmare without name or form. As Selara gazed into it, malice-filled eyes gazed back, and shadowy hands reached out to tear her apart and return her to nothing. And Selara knew that She alone was good, because She alone was of substance; whereas the teeming masses of Great Old Ones were made of nothing, and wished nothing but madness and annihilation.   Thus Selara put Herself to the task of creation. Good and substance cannot be alone, and from Her own holy essence Selara conceived Her thirteen children, each a unique being composed of the first matter of the cosmos. But as Selara feared the nightmares in the Nothing, so did Her children, for even the Gods learned wisdom from their Mother. Thus each of Selara’s children came into existence marked by the same Fear that She had felt, yet each reacted differently to the primordial fear of nonexistence. Selara recognized these differences, and bestowed names upon them in the Divine Tongue, the language of Creation. The first twelve became Acamari, Alleras, Ilion, Imrath, Khalamil, Khiritan, Saphril, Surocael, Valkyon, Vardath, and Vethuna. The last child she created was Vanthus, who was also her most beloved.   The Thirteen proclaimed their maker the All-Mother. And thus the Elder Gods drew solace from Selara’s love, and Selara from their companionship, as they came together to build an anchor of peace and order in the endless, nightmarish nothingness. First Selara made the Celestial Source, an impenetrable barrier of positive energy that divided all reality in two: laws of nature would reign supreme within, and the horrific Far Realms beyond would become unreachable. Then, each of Her children made a Spiritual Plane, a realm to embody them body and soul. Vanthus alone was gifted with a fragment of the Celestial Source, which he shaped into Sidereum, a dark and and gentle place where weary souls may rest in peace. Finally, the Elder Gods came together to make the world itself, a lush planet of green and blue.   And thus Amalthea was created, and life flourished.

Cover image: by li moly