Phobia Hallucinations Condition in Amara | World Anvil
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Phobia Hallucinations

Ever been afraid of something so badly, you swore you saw it out of the corner of your eyes?   Phobia Hallucinations is a type of sensation built around your fears. Someone with Claustrophobia might experience seeing a room get darker and darker or hear sounds in the dark.  

In the Story

In the story, Soliel begins to experience hallucinations shortly after her first visit to Alwold. She begins to see a dark shadow following her around, and feels like she's in danger. When her friends end up in Alwold as well, the hallucinations get to them as well, and they have to work together to fight it off and stop the phobias from going out of control.  


The inspiration is loosely based off of the story of Pandora's Box, with the seven deadly sins inside and Hope the Butterfly inside. The reason I say loosely, is because instead of deadly sins or a butterfly being the important keys, it's phobias and facing your fears.

Transmission & Vectors

One gets Phobia Hallucinations very rarely. When one does, they get it while they are asleep. Their phobia comes to them in their dreams, and latches on to them. At first, it's very subtle, barely noticeable. However, each time they go to sleep and not fully face their fear, the phobia gets worse and eventually breaks out into the real world and disturbs them every single moment of time. It will continue to get worse until the person either faces it or succumbs to the fears.


There's no known cause for the Phobia Hallucinations, but this could date all the way back to when kids feared the boogeyman. Children who feared the boogeyman would begin to build a nightmare about him, which led to a hallucination that got out. It's not sure if the Boogeyman is still the reason behind it, or if something else has taken control.



It begins as a simple nightmare when you are asleep. You'll wake up as usual with a jolt and a rush of anxiety, but then calmness will come over you, and eases you back to sleep. However, the more you run from the nightmares, each time you go to sleep, it gets more and more noticeable and when you wake up, the calmness is gone, leaving you in a sense of panic.   Symptoms include:
  • Anxiety
  • Hard time sleeping
  • Nightmares
  • Cold Sweat
  • Fatigue
  • Depression


As the Hallucinations get worse, it takes a toll on your body physically. This includes:
  • Dark bags under eyes
  • Lack of sleep
  • Getting startled easily
  • Constant eye rubbing
  • Fevers
  • Lack of appetite
  • Flushed Face


Medically, doctors will give you anti-psychotics medications in an attempt to stop hallucinating, but it won't prevail.   The only way to stop Phobia Hallucinations is to face the fear by addressing it, confirming you have the phobia, realizing you won't get over it easily, but you are acknowledging that you are willing to try. The hallucinations will slowly begin to fade the more confident you are, or the more courageous you are at facing your fears.

Affected Groups


In age groups, ages 13-25 more likely have Phobia Hallucinations than other age groups, however ages 6-12 are a close second.  


Females are 10 percent more likely to have Phobia Hallucinations than Males. This is a ratio of 60-40.
Affected Species

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