Dragonborn Species in Amastris | World Anvil
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At a glance, one could be forgiven for thinking that the dragonborn are some species of monster or beast. This could not be further from the truth. The dragonborn, or "narod drakona" in their own speech, are a proud sapient race. Though small in number, their presence is impossible to ignore.

Basic Information


Dragonborn are unique amongst the uncommon sapients of the continent. While humanoid overall, they have unique aspects which set them apart. The most notable features are their reptilian skulls, hardened scales, and digitigrade feet. Their skulls are often lined with various horns, hair-like tendrils, or frills. There is little uniformity between individuals.   All dragonborn possess a fundamentum. "The fundamentum is an organ unique to dragons. Once thought to be the source of a dragonborn’s breath weapon, the fundamentum is an enormous blood vessel, like an extremely large, complex artery. The fundamentum channels the energy-rich blood from the heart directly into the upper stomach of a dragonborn’s gizzard" (Dragon Physiology [Dungeons and Dragons] dragon.fandom.com).   The majority of dragonborn do not possess the other trademark features of dragons such as wings or tails. However, the species is susceptible to mutations, and occasionally winged or tailed dragonborn do appear.   Despite being reptilian in appearance and draconic in ability, dragonborn give birth to live young, and mothers nurse their brood at the breast akin to other sapients.

Genetics and Reproduction

Narod drakona reproduce sexually and have a modest gestation period of seven months. Pregnancies typically produce one to three youngsters.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragonborn "hatchlings" grow relatively modestly, able to walk, talk, and eat solid foods by four years. They reach sexual maturity by 15 and adulthood by 20 years. They reach their prime by 40 but begin to become elderly by 70.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonborn are a versatile race and can survive most locales. They seem to prefer drier climates. The cool dry mountains of Hibernia seem to do well for them. There are also a number of clans who live in The Crowns.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These sapients enjoy a diverse diet and are able to eat most foods available to them. That said, their culinary skills are somewhat lacking compared to the other races. This stems from their preference to eat food raw, or at least only lightly cooked. They find rotten food just as foul as any other race.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

There is a nearly infinite amount of variation in horns, frills, tendril-like hairs, or other osteoderms that grow on dragonborn. Interestingly, their scale colour has no relation to their horn patterns—a trait which is not shared with true dragons.
by Artist Unknown

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Clans exist in The Crowns. Small settlements dot the various nations but are often so remote that most governments aren't even aware that they even exist.   The largest body of Dragonborn live on the isolated island of Hibernia. However, little information regarding this island is currently available.

Average Intelligence

Just as intelligent as any other race.
Scientific Name
Draco Duopedes
90 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
5'5" - 6'9"
Average Weight
160lbs - 230lbs
Average Physique
On average they are just as strong as the Orcs and Half-Orcs, though they are less hardy.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Can appear as any colour of true dragon. The average colouring is a dull yellow or bronze. However, the colouring is not as vibrant as a true bronze dragon.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

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