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V-Ice is a terrible new narcotic that circulates the lower levels of Amber-Gris by means of courier delivery service. This mind-altering drug causes the user to experience only one emotion while under the effects.  


There are two strains of V-Ice. The common strain creates a random emotion in the user, while the premium strain allows the user to choose which emotion they will experience. While most users start off on the premium variety, they often find themselves so addicted to the substance that, even when their cashflow runs out, they need the drug so badly they opt for the common strain rather than going without.  


The crimelord, Zak Dislo, has enlisted a team of teen vagabonds to work for him. Equipped with flexible body armour and bladed rollerblades, the couriers zip through the dangerous streets of Amber-Gris delivering the illicit powder. These former street children each have a memory chip implanted into their arm that Dislo can replay to ensure they have been delivering for their entire shift.   It's a dangerous role, the clientele are unpredictable and more than willing to try to rip off a kid. That's what the bladed rollerblades are for, but on the odd occassion when a courier is unable to handle themselves, Dislo has more hardened enforcers on his payroll who will ensure the client is "blacklisted".
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Base Price
Common: 9 bills per dose.
Premium: 45 bills per dose.

The Allure

Ask any of the inhabitants, Amber-Gris city is a grim place to live. The escape into a pleasant emotion is a tempting prospect that becomes all the more alluring when doing so will also allow the user to escape the terrible withdrawals. It is said by some in the upper city, although not verified, that the air of Downtown Amber-Gris is so thick with the fumes of V-Ice that the people who live on ground-level breathe in so much of the stuff that they can become addicted purely through passive inhaling by the time they reach adulthood. This is probably more rumour than fact, but it is perhaps telling that Dislo uses mostly teens to carry out his ground-level services.  
"It's getting bad, I'll tell you that much for a quarter-bill. I've skated past junkies crying for no reason or giggling next to a dead body. One time there was a man who just punched a wall over and over and over again, even after his knuckles were broken and bleeding. I don't know why any duffer would get hooked on the nasty stuff. But, well, I suppose it keeps me in a living, eh?"
— One young courier tells of his impression of V-Ice.


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