Erok'Hekett, The Eternal Hunter -UNKNOWN-

The Eternal Hunter was a mighty Winter Elf who had become twisted by some of the darkness that lingers in Davokar. He existed only to hunt, kill and hunt again.   When encountered in the prospecting settlement of Salindra's Hope, it appeard as a nine feet tall, pale skinned, elven giant. Lithe and muscular and crowned with horns and festooned with trophies, horns, teeth and feathers were tied into its white hair and dangled from leather chords that hung from its wrists, neck and waist. After its awakening and subsequent escape from its tomb, it is unknown who emerged victorious from the its battle with Gylta, the Elder Sow.   For reasons unknown, Erok'Hekett subsequently fell to corruption, growing in stature and power until it towered almost thirteen feet tall. Clawed, horned and swollen with tainted muscle, it reforged its spear and proceeded to lead the eternal hunt out of the Davokar and against the city of Kastor. While numerous blighted creatures and others possessed by the dance of death hurled themselves at the walls, Erok'Hekett breached the gates of the city.   The Eternal Hunter was eventually vanquished by the combined efforts of Takkamer, Ser Alakai, Mayven and Commander Illeva, though only at great cost and the loss of the city.