Shek'hkor, Exalted Dragon, "The Destroyer" -UNKNOWN-

Known as Fofar in the human tongue, Shek'hkor is an ancient dragon who long ago accepted the "gift" of exultation from the Theorgs of Symbar. During the final, cataclysmic battles that spelled the end of the great empire the beast was a force of indiscriminate destruction, but despite its strength could not escape the binding fetters of the Iron Pact that shackled the raging darkness that had been unleashed.   Bound by the creeping roots and briars of Valarai'Aia, Shek'hkor slumbered, the centuries turned and the tales of dragons passed into myth and were forgotten.   The expeditions into the Symbar disturbed many dark things that were best left forgotten, but when the Sovereign's Oath burned the thorns surrounding the palace they uncovered more than ancient ruins. Shek'hkor awoke, furious and ravenous, and laid waste to everything within reach. The much diminished Prince Eneano of the Iron Pact lead his sons and daughters in an ill-fated final charge in an effort to put an end to monster, but were ultimately destroyed.   The last reported sighting of Shek'hkor was of the great dragon landing on the plateau of Karvosti having ravaged the occupying forces of the Sovereign's Oath.   Shek'hkor was believed destroyed by Gravarax when the giant awoke beneath the rock of Karvosti and burst his way to the surface.