Aona, Goddess of Justice

Aspects: Diligence and Wrath
  A Goddess of dwarven origins.
  Aona is often portrayed as a justiciar with a mighty hammer in her hands. Her chain armour is adorned with pieces of parchment, each detailing a law or decree of justice. She stands for the sanctity and deliverance of judicial and moral justice.
  Aona’s mighty hammer represents the heavy punishment that will befall those who evade justice, while her armour represents the rule of law and its necessity to protect and serve.
  Aona blesses those who uphold law and its virtues as well as those who devote themselves to delivering justice. She shuns lawbreakers and criminals, as well as those who subvert justice for personal gain.
  She is the sibling of Xolous and Abaddon.


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