Divine Aspects

Author: Hannah Jade
The six Divine Aspects represent three virtues and three vices that hold influence and sway over the world of Ambria. Beings may feel their influence strengthening or waning during different times of the year. It is believed that their influence comes from the heavens due to the six major constellations that hang overhead, visible for two months of the year each.   Wrath: Quick-tempered, fierce. Highly protective and tribal. Wrath can be simmering or boiling, but either way if you mess with it, it will hurt. Passionate and emotional. Highly focused on getting to their desired solution by any means, in any situation. It's associated colour is red.
  Patience: Calm and composed, persistent. Some can be forgiving to a fault, others bide their time for revenge. Heavily focused on self control, tolerance and endurance. Much more self focused than moderation. More focused on the journey and thought process than the final product. It's associated colour is green.
  Disregard: Indifference is a key element. They may notice, but they just don’t care. Very laissez faire, apathetic attitude. Can lean towards nihilism. Often acts on whims rather than thinking and planning. Everything is an adventure, and plans are thought up on the fly. Very good at improvisation. Can often neglect themselves or others. Much more focused on the bigger picture than individual details. Can be unpredictable and often bite off more than they can chew. It's associated colour is purple.
  Diligence: Very careful and exact, focused on getting each detail right. “Can’t see the forest for the trees”, perfectionism (dotting i’s and crossing ts). Very attentive and aware of what’s around them. Makes sure to do what they think is right by as many people as possible. Places fairness in high importance. Routine and consistency is a big focus. It's associated colour is orange.
  Indulgence: Extremes, extravagance, “spoiling yourself”. Much more emotionally driven, “it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission”. Interpersonal, more self centered, “how can i get the best deal for me”. Thinks about the individual more than the whole. Somewhat hedonistic and a little nihilistic. It's associated colour is yellow.
  Moderation: Balanced, level-headed. Thinks before they speak or act. Less emotionally driven, more reasoning and logically driven. Interpersonal rather than interpersonal.More community focused than individually focused, thinks about the greater good more than the benefits/detriments individually. It's associated colour is blue.
  The Seventh Aspect:   Revealed during the events of Call of the Gods II, a seventh aspect was (re)discovered. One that was untethered from the others.   HOLLOW: A void and an emptiness that stems from an absence of faith and knowing. Nothingness made manifest. It is the invisible aspect, overlooked and ignored. As such it is untied to the other aspects and cannot be paired with them. Those Gods who are HOLLOW, are dead, exiled, or forgotten; no longer able, or willing, to exist off faith. Think not of nihilism and depression, but rather the cold heartlessness that consumes any emotion. Its associated colour is black.


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