The Seasons

Author: Hannah Jade
High Summer (Dec-Jan) Moderation: The days of celebration have taken its toll as the heat seeps into our bones. Now is the time to take care of our selves and remember moderation to survive the heat of summer. If you drink to much at once you will become ill, if you celebrate with bonfires in may spread and cause harm. Our urge to fight must be held at bay as the sun on our weapons and heavy armour will damage us as much as our foes.   Late Summer (Feb-March) Wrath: The High Summer has dried the moisture from the land and bush fires rain rampant. Thunder and lightning storms interject the harsh days, giving us reprieve from the heat. As we remember moderation, we join the fight once more. Journeying to the Arena, when the Wrath of the long summer eases enough that our own Wrath may take form.   Early Winter (April-May) Patience: Now is time to prepare for the winter. Plant and harvest the last of our crops before the frosts roll forth from deep winter. We must patiently wait for the day the Gods and Goddesses call us to Aeos Island, collecting ourselves and forces in preparation. The work done today will help us survive the Winter.   Deep Winter (June-July) Disregard: The nights grow dark. The arena grows cold and wet, and we have done all that we can to prepare our stores and homes. What can be done in this time as the depression of winter can grow? Disregard reminds us that winters cold will not last forever. Enjoy the hard work you have put in through the year and forget the worries that darkness may bring. Eat and drink the heavy stews and mead and sleep away the long nights with fires and friends. The work will begin another day.   Pre-Spring (Aug-Sept) Diligence: The days grow warmer, and the night begins to recede. This is the time that works can begin again as our winter crops grow scarce. Farmers can lay crops and the days without rain allow the builder to work on outdoors. Attend to the thing that have been held at bay by the frost, and plan for your holidays to come.   True Spring (Oct-Nov) Indulgence: Flowers are in bloom and the warm days call us to dance. Now is the time to celebrate the cornucopia of flora and fauna. Light your bonfires and enjoy your time in the sun before the days become too hot. Marriages and fertility are a prevalent theme in this season.   NB: The above seasonal and calendar system is inspired by the seasonal calendar of the Indigenous people of the Kulin nation, who are the original custodians of the lands of Melbourne and its surrounds. By using an in-game seasonal calendar that ties closely with the real-world land we play on, we hope to encourage players to acknowledge, share and learn more about the area where we live and play. In using this seasonal calendar in Exodus Battle LARP’s story, we also acknowledge the peoples of the Kulin Nation - the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we play, and pay our respects to their Elders past, present, and emerging.


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