The Undying

The first humans that came to Aeos Island were fierce and ruthless. They had to be, in order to survive amid the dangers of Ambria. They were either loathed or loved by the native Ambrians, but had managed to carve out their own House and take their place in the world.   Among the first that entered Aeos Island was one fair maiden who caught the eye of the Blood Priestess. Over time, the two fell in love and could not be separated. One day, the Blood Priestess devised a ritual to turn her human lover into a fae, so that they could live together forever. This displeased the Gods, who didn’t want a perversion in the natural order, so they interrupted the ritual. If the human wanted to live forever, she would also have to die forever. So it was, that the human would die thousands of deaths but never die.   First, the human lived a long life and died at an old age. Then awoke a few moments later the same age as she had been during the ritual. She died in battle. She died by assisination. She died again of old age. She died in childbirth. And because the Blood Priestess could not leave Aeos, the human returned to her every year to visit. But the human became tired, and riddled with scars of each violent death, and the pain and memory of each violent death filled her head. One time she tried to drown her sorrows, figuratively and literally, and fell in a river in a drunken stupor. She awoke stone cold sober and had to drag herself to shore.   One year, the human didn’t return to Aeos. The Blood Priestess waited for her, and hoped she would see her the next year. And the next year. And the next. But she never returned.   In the year 793 AoS the Undying was called back to Aeos for the Call of the Gods II: Trial of the Champions event. She accepted, determined to wrong the right of her curse. She fought for her place as the next Guardian of Aeos Island but was unsuccessful. In the end, she entered the Gateway opened with the Warmaster's Spear and went into the Spider God's realm with her Champion.


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