Urnazza, Goddess of Monsters and Outcasts

Aspects: Wrath and Disregard   A Goddess of monstrous origins.   Urnazza is often portrayed as an old mother with a crooked frame and a crown of horns protruding from her head. She is often shown using a twisted spear as a walking stick. She stands for the monstrous and those rejected by society.   Urnazza’s crown and visage represents the unifying afflictions and adversities of outcasts and monsters, while her spear represents the need to use weakness as an advantageous tool.   Urnazza blesses those who give into their monstrous nature, while she shuns those who act in ignorance or disrespect of her “children”.   Urnazza ascended to the Pantheonic Gods in the year 795AoS after both Maakor and Rhymir were both slain on the Holy Island of Aeos with the godkilling sword, Yulthaesa.


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