Yulthaesa, the God-killing sword

In the time of the Age of Magic the Gods still walked across Ambria, abiding sometimes as they did with the new people that had been born. Some among the Ambrians grew envious of the Gods’ powers and they schemed with dark desires. The foremost among these schemes were 11 Elven brother knights who were envious of the Gods’ works. The brothers held great might and reverence among their peers and so believed themselves deserving of something greater.   In pursuit of divinity they feigned friendship with many of the Gods that were smiths and craftsman, learning as they did to forge great things and all the while never revealing their true intent. The 11 brother knights eventually cast for themselves great helms and forged terrible armour the likes of which no fair or fell folks had ever made, or would ever make again, but greater still were 11 swords. These 11 swords were made from that which could unmake all things - weapons that would truly allow the brothers to rival the Gods.   They believed that it would be better to unseat the Gods and replace them with a council of the 11 brother knights. In secret meetings the brothers displayed what they had forged and swayed many to their cause, mighty and humble alike. In this way the brothers amassed a great host, one that could challenge the forces still loyal to the Gods and, with the element of surprise, possibly destroy them. When their arm stores were full and their supporters ready the brothers revealed their mighty plan. All across Ambria the brother knights and their terrible host made war upon the Gods and their loyal followers.   Though they slew several Gods and a great many followers in the course of their war, the brother knights began to fall one by one and their hosts became diminished with each battle until they were in a fighting retreat and then a rout. The brother knights had not reckoned with the power that they were up against and in their pride and vanity all but the second youngest brother was destroyed. For they had forgotten that blood spilt upon Ambria was still blood for the Gods – and that made the surviving Gods stronger. The brothers’ very plan sewed its own unseating with each enemy they felled.   As the brother knights and their hosts were diminished each of their 11 swords were sent or passed up to another brother. Each time a brother took a blade it was worked in a forge and smithy with that of the receiving brother’s blade to unite the swords into one greater. Eventually all the swords were passed on to the second youngest brother, who possessed the last two swords.   The Gods pursued this last brother knight back to his hold, all the while passing such blows upon him that his helm and his armour were sundered, leaving but the sword undestroyed. Fending off the Gods and their hosts, the last brother knight sealed himself in his hold and made ready to face the inexorable advance that would soon break through his gates, surge over his yards and into his keep. Barred in his hold the last brother knight worked quickly to forge the last of the swords together, so that when the Gods would come upon it they would find they could not destroy something made utterly of, and utterly for, destruction itself. In the very last moment he named the sword Yulthaesa.   There in his hold the last of the 11 brother knights was set upon by the Gods and taken captive and they charged him with a great and terrible duty. They set the brothser knight upon a life unending and bound his very being to the protection of the sword Yulthaesa, ensuring that none should ever use it against the Gods again. So bound, the Gods then sent the last brother knight back out into Ambria and set him down as they did on Aeos Island, where he would live out every day to come in protection of the God killing sword. And the very last measure of the Gods was to quiet all memory of this atrocious rebellion from the minds of the people of Ambria and to reduce all written knowledge so that such a war could never again be brought against them.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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