The Devils

The Archdevils:


Her blood-red gown drapes off her shoulders lasciviously, her collar spread out and colorful, as a peacock's tail. Lust makes mischevious deals, often requiring unchaste favors, or desecration of a strong love for someone, or something.


Driven by his want for more, the bloated porcine creature called Gluttony often makes deals with haste, asking for more and more than most mortals can provide.


Coin makes this greedy crow's senses tingle. In exchange for either curses on their enemies or boons for themselves, those who strike deals with Greed find themselves parting with growing amounts of gold, coin, and other valuables.
His jet black feathery form and sharp beak match his crow-like curiosity for odd bits and trinkets.



Sluggishly dragging his snail-like bottom half, he creeps across the hells, making pacts and deals with mortals "lucky" enough to find themselves in his slimy grace.
Only those desperate for his armored protection or time manipulation should draw near, for his gifts come with great drawbacks, mainly altering the mortal's aging process.



An unending flame, enraged by existence itself, Wrath shows barbaric practices like smashing, slashing with its greataxe and impaling things with its horns.
Similar to a minotaur in form, but much larger in stature, Wrath is the only archdevil unable to make pacts with mortals, since its eternal rage makes it incapable of coherent speech.



As a pastime, Envy enjoys undermining their colleagues' achievments, otherwise they're found complaining about their secondary position in the levels of hell.
Envy's form shows part of a reptile; eyes green with envy, a slithering tongue of lies, and fangs filled with words of poison.



The lioness leader of this pack of unruly kittens, Pride is a being of pure cunning and charisma. Sure to strike a deal written in infernal blood, she takes pleasure in profiting by exploiting others' weakness.
Pride's humanoid form still shows feline features, and although female in appearance, she flaunts a magnificent mane of golden hair.

Common Devils

blah blah blah this is text about common devils.


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Nov 12, 2023 22:52

Looking good. Particularly like Greed and Lust.... nice job!