The Fae


Pointy-Eared Humanoids, originating from The Faerie, Elves are a stern and traditional people. Their long lives contribute to their aloof and conservative attitude towards other races on Lurra.


Sometimes called "dopplegangers", these mysterious creatures originated as the children of hags, but now have a people of their own. Elusive and sometimes deceitful, Changelings can change shape, color and facial atributes without a second thought.


Dark and deceptive, these Fae are known for their sinister contracts and magics. Hags often appear in the form of dark feathered humanoids, and can trick their prey into perceiving them as young and beautiful.


Half man half capran (bearing the bottom half of a horse or goat), Satyrs are prone to lustful behaviours and can often be found courting other races. They have been said to improve fertility through intimate action.


Most often appearing as a shining white horse-like beast with a single pointed horn pertuding from its head, unicorns carry a certain grace to their form. These magnificent creatures act as vistors' guide to The Faerie, surely and quietly taking them to their destination.


Mischevous, playful, tiny, and winged, Pixies have a lot to say. They like hearing and sharing people's stories, peoms and songs, often trading magical boons for such currency.


Also called "Living wood", tree-ents are the heart of Faerie's, forests. Although commonly immobile, ents can move very slowly and on rare occasions, to serve the well-being of their kin and surroundings.


Naiads, or water spirits, these shy Fae creatures are connected to the body of water they inhabit. They serve the well-being of their home and the fauna and flora that inhabit or surround it. Their aquatic gifts include music and dance; they bless souls who care for the waters they tread in.


Naturally gifted engineers, Gnomes use both mind and magic to create and improve machines and artifacts. Usually working alone, they enjoy sharing their ideas and creations with any who appreciate them.


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